karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

grasses along Tamagawa-josui

2020-08-25 22:50:00 | ノンジャンル
I like to see green grasses
along Tamagawa-josui.

Many of them may be called weeds
which grow anywhere.

I love all those weeds along Tamagawa-josui.

I am fascinated by their toughness.

I feel greatly encouraged
by those green grasses along Tamagawa-josui.

I don't want to call them “weeds.”

We've had little rain in August
but all the grasses along Tamagawa-josui
look very fine.

I saw no dead leaves!
Yes, they are strong!
And they encourage me to live with energy.

on August 19, Wednesday

2020-08-19 13:12:00 | ノンジャンル
I've just been to the supermarket
to get some food.

Oh, what a hot day!

But I didn't sweat at all.

I walked in the shade.

It's very hot but not so humid today.

I make it a rule to walk outside in the sun
at least once a day, however hot it is—-
only ten or fifteen minutes.

How have you been these days?

vegetables from Niigata

2020-08-14 19:59:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday one of my neighbors
in Niigata City sent me vegetables
---枝豆(茶豆), eggplants,tomatoes.
green peppers and potatoes.

I enjoyed the taste of Niigata!

They brought back memories of Niigata.

I took some of them to my daughter.

She said to me, “I'm sorry we can't get
such fresh and good vegetables here!
Tomatoes and 茶豆 are exceptionally good.”

Thank you so much,
Mrs. MT!

Mountain Day

2020-08-10 22:41:00 | ノンジャンル
Mountain Day is a national holiday
fixed on August 11.

The closing ceremony of Tokyo 2020 Olympic
Games was to be held on August 9.

To make three consecutive holidays,
Mountain Day fell on August 10 this year.

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games were postponed
for a year due to COVID-19.

The closing ceremony will be held on August 8
next year.

Then will Mountain Day in 2021 fall on August 9?

What a hot day!

2020-08-05 22:34:00 | ノンジャンル
Today's highest temperature
in Tokyo was 34℃.

I'm afraid we'll have very hot days
for a few weeks ahead.

The climate change has caused
natural disasters so frequently
in recent years.

Does a heat wave occur due to
the climate change?

The climate change is caused
by global warming, I hear.

I'm worrying
about global warming
in my cool room
with the air-conditioning on.

What a contradictory
statement I make!