karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Friday English Class at Kominkan

2019-09-28 09:51:00 | ノンジャンル
We 10 members enjoy English three times
a month ---on Friday.

On the first Friday,
we enjoy free English conversation.

On the second Friday,
Friday we enjoy English grammar.

And on the third Friday, we read English.

We've finished reading
the following two books—

★Chicken Soup for the Soul
(101 stories to open the heart and rekindle
the spirit)

★ Chicken Soup for the Soul
(stories for a better World)

Can you guess what Chicken Soup means?

Chicken Soup is ‘what your grandmother
makes and gives you when you are sick
as a child.’

Chicken Soup for the Soul means
the Stories to Rekindle the spirit.

Now we are going to read
another Chicken Soup for the Soul

--20th Anniversary Edition
(All your favorite original stories
plus 20 Bonus stories for the next
20 years).

There are many short stories
in our new Chicken Soup for the Soul.

I've just started to read the book at home.

English is easy but I find it rather difficult
to read the book, because they are written
in tiny letters.

Yes, I have something wrong with my eyes
due to my old age.

(the sky, at 10:00 this morning)

autumn sky, this morning

2019-09-22 10:29:00 | ノンジャンル
What a lovely day!

I took a picture of
beautiful autumn skies
from my veranda.(at 9:00)

Autumn is my favorite season.

I'm sorry autumn has come with typhoons.

I'm always afraid of typhoons' bringing
great damage to us.

Typhoon No.15 has caused great damage to
the lifeline of their daily life, their houses,
their forests and fields, their crops, etc.

Another big typhoon, Typhoon No. 17,
has come to to Okinawa and Kyushu.

It is advancing on northern Japan.


More and more Typhoons are coming
year by year.

Typhoons are getting more and more
powerful year by year.

It is because of 'Climate Change’
caused by global warming, I hear.

I hope we can find some solutions
to these problems in the near future.

(at 9:00, this morning)

the biggest red pillar-post in Japan

2019-09-17 20:42:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I visited a friend of mine
who lived near Kodaira City Cultural Hall.

We arranged to meet at the entrance
of the Hall.

There was a big red pillar-post
near the stairs to the entrance.

How big it was!


This is the biggest pillar-post
in Japan.

Of course we can put letters
in this big pillar-post.

In Kodaira there are 32 pillar-posts
which are in daily use, I hear.

Yes, Kodaira is famous as
「丸いポストのまち こだいら.」

Do you see any pillar-posts
in your city?

Typhoon, No. 15

2019-09-12 13:44:00 | ノンジャンル
Typhoon No.15 has caused
widespread damage.

It is four days
since the powerful typhoon hit Kanto.

I'm so sorry to know that people
at 330000 homes in Chiba Pref.
have to spend tonight (fourth night) again
with no electricity nor water!

The authorities say they are not sure
when the supply will return to normal.

All I can do is to pray
for the sufferers' safety.

climate change?

2019-09-06 21:13:00 | ノンジャンル
What a hot day!

Luckily, it is not so humid today.

Are we still in summer?


My summer break was over and
I attended Friday English Class
today after an interval of 50 days.

Ah! I found it very difficult to make
myself understood in English!

I was speaking falteringly.

I didn't have any chances to speak
in English during the summer break.

I wish I were strong enough to go
downtown and enjoy talking to foreign
people in English as I used to!

Today we talked about our summer break.
which was not very eventful to each of us.
