karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Amaryllis Annual Autumn Concert 2011

2011-11-29 23:02:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu’s parents are members of Amaryllis Ensemble.

They gave an annual autumn concert on Sunday,
the day before yesterday.

It was held at 府中の森 芸術劇場 ウイーンホール.

koharu’s mother played the alto saxophone.

koharu’s father played the soprano saxophone.

They performed a quartet with their two friends,
Mr. Mi (tenor) and Mr. Ma (baritone).

<サクソフォン 四重奏>
★タンゴ・ファンタジー(初演)・・・・作曲:織茂 学
★はじめてのチュウ・・・・作曲:実川 俊晴 / 編曲:武田 和大

koharu and her brother were very anxious
about their mother’s performance.

They said, “Father is an excellent player
and Mother is a good player.”

koharu said to herself, ”Mother, don’t be nervous!
Take it easy!”

Yes, they did very well, I thought.

koharu’s father performed another quartet
with Mr and Mrs Mi, and Mr Ma.

<サクソフォン 四重奏>
★ギリシャ組曲・・・・作曲: ペドロ・イトゥラルデ
作曲: ホセ・マンソ・ペローニ /  編曲:: 武田 和大

I’m afraid I don’t understand music
I’m sure I love music.

I am happy koharu’s family all like playing
the musical instruments.

I really enjoyed Amaryllis Annual Autumn Concert 2011.

PS (on Dec. 10)
koharu’s mother (my daughter) has just opened
a Website for their performance:

★はじめてのチュウ・・・・作曲:実川 俊晴 / 編曲:武田 和大

作曲: ホセ・マンソ・ペローニ /  編曲: 武田 和大


I’d be happy if you enjoy it.

Thank you.

(They welcomed the composer on the stage.)

(koharu's brother wrote the greeting message.)

(today's Tamagawa-josui, in front of my apartment)

Tokyo Sky Tree

2011-11-26 23:17:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning, Ms. M and I promised to meet at 11:30
on the platform 1 in Tokyo Station.
But we did not decide where to go.

We had lunch at a restaurant in Ginza.
“Where shall we go?” she said to me.
“How about Asakusa?” I said to her.

We took the subway at the nearest station
and went to Asakusa.

As soon as we arrived at Asakusa, we decided
to go to see Tokyo Sky Tree, not to 仲見世 or 浅草寺.

Then we walked on and on, arriving at Kinshicho St.

Ms. M lives in Kinshicho.

After a tea break, I said good-by to her.

I walked a lot (14680 steps) and had a good time.

to Lake Kawaguchiko

2011-11-22 09:35:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, as soon as I finished my breakfast,
I hurried to a nearby station.

I went to Lake Kawaguchiko, changing cars
at Seibu Line, Chuo Line and Fujikyu Line.

Oh, what a beautiful day! How I wanted to see Mt. Fuji!.
I was sure Mt. Fuji could be seen in Kawaguchiko.

I left my apartment at half past eight and arrived
at Kawaguchiko Station at half past eleven---
it took me three hours to go to Kawaguchiko!

I first took the Kachi-Kachi Ropeway and went up
to Mt. Tenjo.

To my surprise, an Australian lady came to me
and kindly said to me, "Shall I take a picture of you?"
I said, "Oh, thank you so much!"

What a kind lady!

Looking at beautiful Mt. Fuji, I had onigiri for lunch,
which I had bought at a convenience store.

Then I walked around the shore of Lake Kawaguchiko.

I crossed Kawaguchiko-Ohashi Bridge and enjoyed walking
to Fuji Lake Hotel which is one of my favorite hotels.

(autumn colors at one end of the bridge)

(vies from the bridge)

I had a tea break at a cocktail lounge at my favorite hotel.

I returned to Tokyo by express bus for Shinjuku.

I had a very nice day.

I walked 18120 steps in a day.

Long time no see!

2011-11-18 23:05:00 | ノンジャンル
Time flies quickly!

Time on the Internet flies more quickly, doesn’t it?

I feel as if a long time had passed since my last journal.
But it’s only a week that has passed.

I have been too busy with this and that.
But I’m now all right.

Yesterday,11/17/11, was my birthday.
I had no celebration.

koharu’s family will celebrate my birthday in December
when I’ve come back from Niigata.

Yesterday we, 11members of Harmonica Circle, visited
a nursery home for the aged and played 16 songs
on the harmonica.


The aged people sang in a loud voice.

I was glad they looked happy.

On Novemver 12, I was in Tochio where I was born
and stayed overnight at my sister’s house.

These pictures were taken in Tochio on Nov.12.

(my elementary school used to be on the right bank)


2011-11-11 13:57:00 | ノンジャンル
It is very cold today.
It has been raining since the morning.
Yes, a cold rain is drizzling down.

I remember having the first snow
on November 17, 1973 in Niigata City.

On that morning it was raining when I went to work.

To my surprise, the snow was coming down heavily
and the ground was covered with snow
when I was going home.

Oh, what shall I do?
I'm afraid of driving in the snow without putting on
spiked tires! I said to myself.

I drove as slowly as possible and got home safely!

So I decided to put on snow tires on November 17.
I wished I had all-weather tires in those days!

I returned my driver's license several years ago.
Now I don't have to care about snow tires at all.


Today's English Class was cancelled by our teacher.

I walked to a beauty salon and had my hair cut.

It is still raining.
I'm waiting for my granddaughter, koharu, to come home.

(calendar I bought at a shop in 東寺 in Kyoto)

(written at koharu's)