karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

movie 「天地明察」

2012-09-29 15:01:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to see a Japanese movie 「天地明察」.

The original book was written by 冲方 丁.(うぶかた とう).
Mr. Ubukata was born in Gifu Pref. in 1977.

The book was awarded 5 prizes----

Did you read the book? Many of you will say, “Yes!”

But I have not read the book yet.

The author writes in the brochure, “My heart was filled
with joy when I saw this movie.
My book became a wonderful movie. ”

It is a movie made on a true story.

I will not write the story here.

Please watch the movie,
if you are interested in stars, the moon, the sun or planets,
if you are interested in how people in Edo period lived or
if you are interested in how the hero 安井算哲 lived his life.

This is not only a samurai drama but a success story of
a young man who never stopped chasing his dream.

to Kinchakuda in Hidaka City

2012-09-26 23:50:00 | ノンジャンル
On this perfect autumn day, I went to 巾着田
to see 曼珠沙華(彼岸花).

I was a little bit too early to see 彼岸花 
in full flower.

They will be at their best next week, I suppose.

I went there alone because I had no time to ask
someone to go along with me.

I enjoyed talking with some ladies.
Yes, I enjoyed 一期一会.

I bought fresh 里芋・茗荷・ネギ at a farmer’s stand.

What a nice day I had!

I walked 14879 steps today.

(Koma Station)

(at farmers’ stands on the way to 巾着田)

(at 巾着田)

today's skies

2012-09-24 18:36:00 | ノンジャンル
Autumn weather is changeable.

“What agreeable weather!” I thought in the morning.

I was busy doing the wash and cleaning my rooms.

(at 10:30 am)

At 1:00 pm I had an appointment with my hairdresser.

After having my hair cut and softly tinted with dark brown,
I went to my daughter's.

(at 3:00 pm)

On the way back to my apartment, the sky was beginning
to cloud up.

(at 5:15 pm)

(at 5:30 pm)

I'm afraid it will rain before my grandchildren come home.

autumn has come

2012-09-22 12:06:00 | ノンジャンル
There is a hint of autumn in the air.

Autumn has come---though a little bit damp autumn.

It is not hot today. It is cool.
The present temperature stands around 20℃.
The maximum temperature will rise as high as 25℃.

I’ve just come back from shopping at the supermarket.
I saw 彼岸花in the bushes on the way back.

Yes, autumn has come.

movie ‘Intouchables’「最強のふたり」

2012-09-17 10:23:00 | ノンジャンル
Did you see the movie?
I watched it the day before yesterday.

I didn’t know anything about the movie.
But when I read cocco-san’s article
I decided to go and see the movie.


Thank you, cocco-san.

When I arrived at Tachikawa Cinema 2,
almost all tickets had been sold except one for me.
Yes, I saw a notice “Sold out” put on the poster of

It is a French movie.
It is a movie made on a true story.
It is a touching movie.

The audience smiled a hearty smile.
The audience often laughed out loud.

I wished I could understand French!