karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

beautiful weather, but I am so sad

2019-05-30 13:05:00 | ノンジャンル
We've had unusually hot weather lately.

Today the weather has improved.

The sun is so bright.

The sky is so blue---with a light,
fleecy cloud.

The humidity is 40 percent at present.

A cool and dry wind is blowing.

Oh, what a beautiful day!


In spite of this beautiful weather,
I'm so sad and depressed at the news
Bus Stop Stabbing in Kawasaki.

Why? Why? Why?

What is the trigger of this stabbing?

(at noon, today, near my apartment)


2019-05-24 13:57:00 | ノンジャンル
What a hot day!

I've just come home from my
Friday English Class.

It was held at 中央公民館,
which is a bit far away
from my apartment.

I left my apartment at 8:45
and walked to 中央公民館,
arriving at 9:15.

Oh, I was happy to know I was
strong enough to walk 30 minutes
in this summer heat.


We read a story “Seeds of Justice,
Seeds of Hope” by Anna Marie Carter.

It was a little difficult
but encouraging story.

When the class was over,
I was too tired to walk back
to my apartment.

And it was getting hotter too.

I asked Mrs. HM to take me home
in her car.

Thank you so much, HM-san!

(today's sky)

(from the window of 中央公民館)

unsettled weather

2019-05-18 11:01:00 | ノンジャンル
The temperature is rising these days.

Yesterday it rose up to 25.9 degrees
Celsius in the daytime in Tokyo.

It was cool in the morning
but sweaty in the daytime.

I wondered what to wear in the morning.


The weather in a day is very changeable.

The sky is all covered with clouds.

There might be a storm, I wonder.

But suddenly the clouds all clear away!

Not a cloud is to be seen in the sky!
(very old but my favorite expression)

Oh, what a beautiful blue sky!


Is summer approaching?

Do you like summer?

I hope it will not be a scorching summer
as it was last summer. (酷暑)

Friday English Class, today

2019-05-10 22:50:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I attended the first
Friday English Class in May.

We enjoyed free conversation
in English.

Our teacher asked us how we spent
the Golden week holiday.

I was the first to answer the question.

I didn't go anywhere,
nor did I do anything special.

But it was nice and relaxing.

I told her how happy I was
that my granddaughter came home
from Hokkaido.

Most ladies were very busy
taking care of those who came home
to see them----
their daughters, their sons-in-law,
or grandkids.

They are all veteran homemakers.

They are all good at cooking.

They must have a great time, I guess.

One lady said she was dead tired.

Her husband stayed at home for ten days.

She had to prepare 3 meals for him.

She had no time to spare for herself.

I remembered an old commercial,


Oh, we talked too much
and we had no time to ask our teacher
how she enjoyed her GW holiday!

A lady brought our teacher the roses
she grew in her garden.

on the first Sunday of the Reiwa era

2019-05-05 13:48:00 | ノンジャンル
It's May 5, Tango-no-sekku.(端午の節句)

It's the day when we pray for our children
to grow up healthy.

We used to put up flying carp streamers

But I've seen few carp streamers swimming
in the sky.


Speaking of May 5, I got married
with everyone's blessing
on May 5, 1966-----53 years ago!

Two years later, our only daughter was born.

We lived happily for nearly 8 years.

But my dear husband passed away
on March 19, 1974---from leukemia.

What happy, but short, married life!


It's the first Sunday of the Reiwa era.
I'm listening to the radio as usual.

By the way,
how did you spend your long GW holidays?

I hope you've had a great time.

As for me, I was so glad to see koharu,
my granddaughter.

She came home from Hokkaido
and stayed with her family for a week.

I am glad to know
koharu is getting stronger
in mind and body.

(in the neighborhood, this morning)