karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on April 30. 2020

2020-04-30 22:51:00 | ノンジャンル
It is the last day of April.

It was very hot today for this time of year.
I saw some people in short- sleeved shirts.

Sweat came out on my forehead
when I was walking to the grocery store.

I felt summer was approaching.

Will we have a scorching summer again
as we did last year?

Will I be able to survive a severe summer heat?

Oh, no, Karin.
Don't be such a pessimist!

(near my apartment)

(written at 11:00p.m.)

on April 25, 2020

2020-04-25 11:20:00 | ノンジャンル
Time flies!
Only five days are left in April.

How are you getting along?

Do you have any plans for “Golden Week”?

No, we don't have “Golden Week” this year.

We have “Stay Home Week” instead.

It's sunny and windy today.

Oh, what a lovely day!

I remember those days when I was enjoying
climbing mountains in my sixties.

How I wish I could go climbing Mt. Takao
on such a fine day!

Anyway, I'll stay at home doing my daily chores.

(yesterday, near my apartment)

what a happy surprise!

2020-04-17 20:36:00 | ノンジャンル
I checked the mailbox of my apartment
and found a blue parcel there.

What is it?

I took the parcel to my room.

Oh, what a happy surprise!

A friend of mine sent me some of her masks!

I'm about to run out of masks.

There are no masks on the market.

I don't know how to express my thanks
to her for sending me these masks!

I feel greatly encouraged by her kindness.


Thank you so much, KI-san!

I shed tears of gratitude.

I don't know why,
but your kindness has given me the joy of living.

on April 10, 2020

2020-04-10 13:33:00 | ノンジャンル
It's Friday today.

I miss my classmates at Friday English Class
at the community center.

We've had no Friday English Class
since Feb.21.

All the community centers in Kodaira City
are closed until May 6.

It is reported that in Tokyo
more than 180 people were infected
by New coronavirus yesterday,
I mean,in a day.

We are under state of emergency.
I hope this declaration will work.

Will the day come when the situation
will return to normal?

The sun is now shining bright and・・・
my heart is sinking within me.


on April 4, 2020

2020-04-04 10:50:00 | ノンジャンル
It's Saturday morning.
Oh, what a lovely day!
It's sunny and warm.

How are you?
I feel a little gloomy.
“A coronavirus crisis” makes me depressed.
Could Tokyo be the next New York?

I've been to the nearest grocery store
to get some food.

After visiting my daughter in the afternoon,
I'll stay at home listening to the radio
or enjoying reading,

Have a nice day!

(written at 11 a.m.)

(flowers in the grass near my apartment)