karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Lake Kawaguchiko and Mt. Fuji, with an Italian couple

2014-09-28 12:33:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday morning, it was cloudy in Kodaira.

I checked Mt. Fuji on the Internet.

Wow! there was no cloud in the sky.
Against the blue sky, Mt. Fuji looked really beautiful.

I said to myself, ”It's the time to go to Kawaguchiko
to see Mt. Fuji.”

I hurried to Kokubunji Station.
I changed trains at Takao for Otsuki.

I happened to sit next to an Italian couple on the train
to Otsuki—Mr. and Mrs. F from Italy.

I asked them if they spoke English.
They said yes and we started to talk in English.

They asked me to help them to buy tickets for Kawaguchiko
at Otsuki Station.

“We have been in Japan only for a week and we are leaving
Japan tomorrow.

We want to see Mt. Fuji at Kawaguchiko before leaving Japan.
We have no plan there.

Would you mind if we go with you and spend the time
in Kawaguchiko with you?”

I said, “ Of course, NOT. I'll be very happy to spend
this lovely day with you.”

First we went to かちかち山 by ropeway.

I was surprised to find many people from abroad there.
I heard several languages spoken there.

We went up to a little higher place.

I had onigiri and they bought 「たぬき団子」for lunch.

Then we walked along Lake Kawaguchiko.

We walked on, crossed 河口湖大橋 and walked
along the other side of Lake Kawaguchiko.

We took them to my favorite hotel 富士レークホテル
and had a tea break. What a happy time!

We were just in time for ホリデー快速 at 4:00.
I said them good-bye and got off the train at Tachikawa.

We enjoyed talking a lot in English.
They showed me pictures of their family—their two sons
and their parents.

What a wonderful day I had!

I walked 16712 steps in a day.

movie, English Vinglish

2014-09-26 09:52:00 | ノンジャンル
Last evening, I went to Tachikawa Cinema
and watched an Indian movie.

The original title is “English Vinglish”.

Japanese title is 「マダム イン ニューヨーク」

I was interested in the Japanese title and decided
to go to Tachikawa and watch the movie.

I've never been to New York.
I wanted to know how an Indian lady who could not
speak English at all would live in New York.

What an interesting movie!

The heroine is a quiet, sweet tempered housewife.

I'm sure almost all housewives will agree with her.

What an attractive housewife she is!

Please read the following pages,
if you'd like to know more about this movie.



walking in Fuchu City

2014-09-24 13:45:00 | ノンジャンル
On the day of equinox (yesterday),
it was a beautiful day.

I couldn't stay indoors.
I left my apartment as soon as I finished my housework.

Where did I go by myself?

It was to 大國魂神社 in Fuchu City that I went.

I wanted to know about the shrine.
I knew nothing about it.

I went there by bus.

First I cleansed my hands here.

I prayed silently at the main shrine.

Then I paid 200 yen and visited 宝物殿.

No cameras were allowed there.

I watched a DVD of 「くらやみ祭」 of 大國魂神社
in 宝物殿.

On the way back, I enjoyed a street performance
「猿回し by 太郎倶楽部」.

I laughed a lot.

I was happy to see many little boys and girls.

They were all excited to see the performances
by the monkey.

I had a very good day.

I walked 12784 steps in a day.

Felix Vallotton- Exhibition

2014-09-18 22:21:00 | ノンジャンル
Today SY-san and I went to 三菱一号館美術館 
in Marunouchi, Tokyo and Vallotton’s (ヴァロットン)
paintings and print-makings.

I did not know about him, nor have I seen his artworks before.

(Wikipedia--You can enjoy some of his works.)

I was very interested in his works.

There was something sharp, pure, warm, or cynical
in his paintings.

三菱一号館美術館 is a very nice museum.

I love it.

(in the courtyard)

Then we walked to 二重橋.



SY-san used to work around 丸の内 when young.
So I followed her and enjoyed walking with her.

We had a happy autumn day.

I walked 16240 steps in a day.