karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

picnic in Koganei-koen

2008-10-31 21:46:24 | ノンジャンル
koharu had no school today,
because she had school last Sunday.

Her brother went to school.
Her parents went to work.
koharu and I went for a picnic in Koganei-koen.

koharu's mother bought a new lunch box for koharu
last month and made a picnic lunch for koharu and me.
We walked to Koganei-koen carrying a backpack on the back.

The clouds hung low.
Cold air was flowing through the park.
There were not so many people in the park.
koharu said, "Oh, I like this silent park!"

koharu and I enjoyed a picnic lunch which her mother
made for her. She was proud of her mother's cooking.
koharu said, "How delicious! I like eating lunch in the park. "

After lunch koharu enjoyed catching a ball.
We enjoyed walking on the fallen leaves to the playground.
There were few children playing on the playground.
Every equipment was hers.

koharu looked happy.
koharu and I had a lot of fun at the picnic.

koharu and I walked 15000 steps today.

feeling better

2008-10-29 22:03:53 | ノンジャンル
I went to the dentist to make my mouth completely clean.

The gums which were cut open yesterday are now swelling.

According to the dentist the swelling will be larger tomorrow.

I feel discomfort in my jaw.

I keep getting an ache in my gums.

But I am happy I was able to eat a little today.

I hope I'll be all right by Saturday.

(today's sky)

pulling out a tooth--in failure

2008-10-28 14:37:07 | ノンジャンル
I've just been to the dentist.

I have a crooked tooth and it was broken
in the middle last autumn.

Today my dentist decided to pull out
the tooth completely.

He tried to pull it out, even cutting
my gums.

But the end of the tooth was in the bone.
It was impossible to pull the tooth with
its root.

He sewed up the gums and gave me medicine
for aching, swelling, fever and bacteria.

I have never had this kind of tooth treatment
before--I mean pulling out teeth.
The dentist was surprised that I still had
four wisdom teeth--oya-shirazu.

Now I'm decided I will not get any treatment
unless I have any pains.

I wonder what will happen to me.

Will I have a bad pain?
Will the gums swell?
Will I have a fever?

Can I have supper?

(written in the afternoon at koharu's home)

four little ladies

2008-10-25 15:25:43 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday koharu was excited to welcome
her three friends at her house.

They promised to meet them at Green Park at three
after school

koharu came home panting from running.

She told me that she had to go to the park by three
and that she would take her three friends to her home.

Then she hurried to the park.

Usually they play in the park but yesterday it was raining.

koharu's mother was not yet home from work.
"It's OK. I'll look after them," I thought.

Four little ladies were all excited.

I heard them talking, laughing and playing the piano.
They had a birthday party for one of them.

What happy children they are!

Their laughter made me so happy.

Thank you, little ladies!

coming home, to Tochio

2008-10-21 23:11:41 | ノンジャンル
I was born and brought up in Tochio.
Tochio-shi was merged into Nagaoka City a few years ago.

Tochio-machi became Tochio City 54 years ago.
I was in the 6th grade at elementary school then.
I remember joining a street parade celebrating
the municipality. I miss Tochio City.

I am sorry my hometown has been losing population.
Very few people were walking along "gangi,"shopping arcade.

After the Shinto ritual for 30th anniversary of my father's death,
we visited my parents' graveyard with a Shinto priest.
He performed a ceremony of ritual purification there.

The graveyard is on the hill.
It was a lovely day and I enjoyed a beautiful country scenery.
I am sure my parents like this place. My father was born here.

at the foot of the hill--