karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

see you in April

2015-03-25 14:31:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, what a lovely day!

No cloud can be seen in the sky.

(on my way to a grocery store, 紫木蓮)

Wow! The time has come.
The cherry trees are about to blossom.

They will bloom while I am away from Tokyo.

Tomorrow morning, I'm going home to Niigata.

See you in April.


By the way, the 4th movie I saw this month is


My eyes dimmed with tears
when I was going out of the theatre.

I felt the movie like a documentary drama.

two movies I saw last week

2015-03-23 00:14:00 | ノンジャンル
Last week I went to Tachikawa Cinema twice
to see the movies.

On March 17, I saw ‘The Theory of Everything’,

I know some about Professor Hawking.
I've read one of his books.

I have been interested in his life---how he has lived so far.

The performance of Eddie Redmayne as Professor Hawking
was amazing!


The other movie I watched last Saturday was titled
‘Into the Woods’

The heroes or heroines in Grimm's Fairy Tales
go into the woods with a baker and his wife.

Grimm's Fairy Tales are—

Cinderella (シンデレラ)
Little Red Riding Hood (赤ずきんちゃん)
Jack and the Beanstalk (ジャックと豆の木)
Rapunzel (ラプンツェル).

And what happens in the woods?

It is a movie musical
and I enjoyed it so much.

to Koganei Park

2015-03-16 22:47:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday HK-san and I had lunch at Saizeriya nearby.

HK-san has been taking care of her old parents at home.

When she has time to spare,
we meet for lunch and enjoy talking.

After lunch we walked to Koganei Park.

Ume Festival was over last month.
But Ume flowers are now in full bloom!

What a good timing!

I walked 13277 steps in a day.


to enjoy a Thai dish

2015-03-13 21:22:00 | ノンジャンル
One of my friends learned how to cook a Thai dish
named PAD THAI from a Thai lady.

My friend invited us to her house
and showed us how to make PAD THAI.

PAD THAI is タイ風焼きそば.
How delicious!
I love it!

My friends are all very good at cooking.

Today I saw a beautiful cherry tree
on my way back from Friday English Class.