karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

today's weather

2015-07-30 23:20:00 | ノンジャンル
What changeable weather!

In the morning I saw lovely flowers 芙蓉
along Tamagawa-josui. The sun was shining.

(11:00 a.m. this morning)

I worked as a volunteer waitress in the afternoon.

(1:15 p.m. today)

It suddenly got dark outside
and the thunder rolled in the sky.

The thunder roared, the lightning flashed
and it began to rain very hard.

A heavy thunderstorm passed over my city.

(1:47p.m. in front of the cafe)

The thunderstorm lasted for one hour.

Then the sun appeared again.

(3:12p.m. in front of the cafe )

And I enjoyed the beautiful evening sun!

What a day!

the word 101

2015-07-26 10:51:00 | ノンジャンル
As I often write I am a member of Friday English Circle
at Kominkan.

We have three classes a month.

On the third Friday we read a story, which is 3 or 4 pages long,
from the book Chicken Soup.

The third Friday class was cancelled this month,
and we had our class on the fourth Friday, instead,
because our new American teacher had something to do
on the third Friday.

On July 24, we read a story from the book Chicken Soup.

The title was ‘Innovation 101.’

It was a heartwarming story.

I wondered what the number 101 meant.
I asked our American teacher about it.

‘101' is an adjective( 形容詞 ) meaning
“basic, elementary knowledge for beginners.”

It is used as follows:

Cooking 101
Wine 101
Diet 101
Economics 101

‘101’is pronounced ‘one-O[ou}-one.

It's interesting to know
about words or expressions I didn’t know.

muggy weather

2015-07-23 21:05:00 | ノンジャンル
According to the calendar today is said to be 大暑,
the hottest time of the year.

Mr. St, who is my husband's best friend,
sent me a box of浜名湖土用ウナギ.

My husband passed away 41 years ago.

How much have I been encouraged
by him and his wife for all these years!

They send me浜名湖土用ウナギ every year.

I don’t know how to express my thanks
to them--not only for 土用ウナギ
but also for their lasting friendship.

Typhoon No.11 is gone

2015-07-19 09:37:00 | ノンジャンル
Typhoon No.11 is gone, causing a lot of damage.

I'm sorry we can do nothing to stop typhoons.
All we can do is survive them.

Typhoon 11 is gone and---I'm now enjoying
a nice, beautiful summer morning.

I did the washing and I've just finished my breakfast,
listening to the program 音楽の泉 on the radio,
as I always do on Sunday morning.

It seems to be a very, very hot day.

I'll survive the heat wave, anyway,
because I am alive.

Have a good day, everybody!

(from my room, at 9:00 a.m.)


2015-07-14 23:12:00 | ノンジャンル
In Tokyo, we didn't have any fine days from June 30
to July 9---yes, only cloudy and rainy days.

On July 10, the sky cleared up!

How happy I was to look up at the blue sky!
I had been tired of cold and damp weather.

On July 11, I did the washing, hung it out to dry
and went to the art museum in Shinjuku.

On July 12, I put my futon in the sunlight.
I slept in my soft and light futon that night.

Yesterday, it was awfully hot and windy.
I went to my daughter’s house and back three times.
I walked a lot and had a slight headache.

Today, it was unbearably hot.
I walked wiping the sweat from my face and neck.

I used to be suffering from the summer heat
and stay in bed when I had no work.

I can't believe I am getting strong enough to walk
in this awfully hot weather.

I am thankful that I am alive and healthy.