karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on the last day of February, 2019

2019-02-28 21:11:00 | ノンジャンル
It rained all day long.

It was very cold today.

The wet weather makes me somewhat
lonely. Why?

Is it because I'm getting older?

According to the weather forecast,
it will be a fine and warm day tomorrow.

We are now in spring here in Tokyo,
I guess.

Spring has come earlier than usual.

Cherry blossoms will bloom earlier
than usual.

In my neighborhood, there is a street
with cherry trees on either side— 桜通り.

I wonder when the 桜まつり will be held here
this year.


Today, I received a letter from Anne,
my pen pal in America.

How glad I am to know she is getting

Spring has come?

2019-02-23 10:48:00 | ノンジャンル
It's so warm this morning.

The sun has appeared
from behind the clouds.

It's going to be a lovely day.

I've just finished washing
and cleaning the my rooms.

I'm relaxing at a kotatsu.


today's words---

Laugh a lot.
A good sense of humor cures
almost all of life's ills.

---from Life's Little Instruction Book.


My sweet pen pal Anne sent me this book
as a birthday present 24 years ago.

How are you doing, Anne?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

on Sunday morning, today

2019-02-17 09:32:00 | ノンジャンル
I woke up early this morning
but stayed in bed until 7:00.

I got up at seven and prepared breakfast
while doing the washing
in the washing machine.

I had breakfast listening to the radio program

I enjoyed ウエーバーの協奏曲集.
How happy I was!

I don't think I do understand music
but I enjoy the program- 音楽の泉
every Sunday.

By the way, how will the weather be today?

I hope it will be good weather.

Have a nice day,

(written at 9:30, this morning)

(at 9:00, the sky I saw on my veranda)

What a nice father!

2019-02-11 14:10:00 | ノンジャンル
While I was walking along Tamagawa-josui
this morning, I met a young father
who was going for a walk with a dog.

The young father was carrying a baby
on his back.

Another young boy was walking with him.

What a peaceful scene!
What a nice father!

I spoke to him and we stopped
to have a short talk.

He said, smiling, “I love walking here
with my sons and dog.

My wife is very busy,
so I take care of them whenever I can.”

He seemed to be a kind and mild father.

His sons were both smiling at me.

Even the white dog was looking up at me

They made me so happy.
What a happy encounter I had!

Wednesday English Circle

2019-02-06 21:42:00 | ノンジャンル
One week has passed
since I wrote my blog last.

What have I been doing these seven days?

I've been busy with this and that.

Every Wednesday, I enjoy English with three
of my friends who like English very much.

We make it a rule to use English as much as
possible when we meet on Wednesday.

It's Wednesday today and we gathered
at a community lobby.

First we enjoyed speaking in English.

But we were speaking in Japanese
before we knew.

We, four ladies, like talking so much
that we forget gathering there
to use English!

We studied English grammar
for the last 30 minutes.

We had a very enjoyable time.
Thank you, ladies!