karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

my 1960's

2016-01-30 20:36:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning, while cleaning my rooms,
I happened to hear on the radio
some words such as 60年代, 安保闘争,
or 樺美智子さん.

And these words brought me back to my 1960s.

In 1960, When 樺美智子さん was killed
at the demonstration against 安保条約改定,
I was a third year student at a senior high school
in the isolated mountain district.

(karin in high school days)

There was no TV set in my house and I heard
of her death on the radio.

I did not know the details but I was so sad.

The next year, in 1961, I was admitted
to Niigata University.

Oh, I remember I was afraid of crossing zebra crossings
with traffic signals.

There were no traffic signals in my hometown,
because there were very few cars in my hometown.

Student movements at university were very active.

I was often invited to attend several political meetings
but I always refused to go to the meetings.

I was a nonpolitical.

I belonged to ESS, English Speaking Society.

The ESS members were from different departments
---Liberal arts, Science, Medicine or Education.

We enjoyed speaking English every day.

I enjoyed studying at university from 1961 to 1965.

In 1966 I got married my beloved, my husband.

(karin in bridal kimono)

In 1968 my only daughter was born.

(my only daughter)

How happy I was in my 1960s!

You made it, 琴奨菊!

2016-01-25 23:24:00 | ノンジャンル
Congratulations, Kotoshogiku!

I am now deeply impressed by your winning
a championship,

not because you are the first native Japanese
sumo wrestler who won a championship in these 10 years

but because you conquered a lot of difficulties
and finally secured the Emperor's Cup.

You are strong in mind and body.

Let me say again, “Congratulations!.”

(ginkgo, today)

to Ueno Park, yesterday

2016-01-18 13:42:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Ms. M and I met at the ticket gate 公園口
of Ueno Station.

カンザクラ was in bloom.

First, we went to ボッティチェリ展at The Tokyo Metropolitan
Art Museum(東京都美術館).

We enjoyed Sandro Botticelli’s beautiful paintings.

I was excited to remember seeing some of them
in The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.

I went to Italy in 2006, ten years ago.

Botticelli lived in the 16th century and his paintings
are still loved by us.

Art is long, life is short.

Then we had a late lunch at 韻松亭 in Ueno Park.

I was sorry I was too tired to eat all.

After lunch, we went to The Tokyo National Museum.

It was astonishing that China's First Emperor,
Qin Shi Huang, lived about 2200 years ago
and that his “Terracotta Army” was discovered
and excavated in 1974---only 42 years ago!

The terracotta warriors and horses were
all wonderfully made.

They all show that the First Emperor had absolute
power and created “his eternal world”.

Everything I saw there was surprising.

Ms. M and I had a long, good day
visiting two museums in Ueno.


By the way, this morning, I was surprised to find
the ground was covered with snow.

The snow has brought chaos to Kanto District.

The days are passing by

2016-01-14 22:22:00 | ノンジャンル
Several days have passed rapidly by
What did I do during these five days, I wonder?

On Monday, I enjoyed English with a few of my friends.

We had a long talk both in English and Japanese.

On Tuesday, I received an email from HK-san
and we met at a café DOUTOR and had a light lunch.

Then we walked to another café in the neighborhood
and talked a lot about many things.

On Wednesday, yesterday, my granddaughter koharu
didn't feel good and was absent from her high school.

I was happy to spend the day with her.

She is now all right. She went to school today.

Today, I enjoyed working hard as a volunteer waitress
in the community café.

I spoke to a lady who came to our café by herself.
It was my first time to see her.

She talked frankly to me about herself ----

She was 70 years old.
Her husband passed away three years ago.
Nothing could ease her grief.
She at last realized EVERYBODY IS ALONE
and decided to enjoy the rest of her life by herself.

I was glad she looked very happy to talk with me.

I do love talking with people.
I'd like to communicate warmly
with everybody.

(tamagawa-josui, today)

(cherry tree, today)

Friday English Circle 2016

2016-01-09 23:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I attended the first class
of Friday English Circle 2016.

The classroom was a Japanese tatami-mat room
at Kominkan.

Our new American teacher is very young,
maybe in her twenties, while we members are
all over sixty.

It's not two years yet since she came to Japan.

It was her first time to teach us in a Japanese tatami-
mat room.

All members except Ma-san and me sat in chairs.
Yes, Ma-san and I sat on the tatami mat.

And, to my surprise, our teacher sat on the tatami mat too!
I didn’t ask her why.

Each of us talked about our New Year's holiday.

Every member was talkative in broken English.

We were happy to see after an interval of three weeks.

My daily life has come back!