karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on the last day of May

2008-05-31 20:42:26 | ノンジャンル
It has been raining for three days.
It has been so cold.
I wear warm clothes as if I were in early spring.

Are we already in the rainy season here in Tokyo?
No, not yet.

Hydrangeas have suddenly started to bloom around here.
Hydrangeas really like rain, don't they?

Do you know 'flower language' of hydrangeas?

harmonica volunteering

2008-05-29 21:54:55 | ノンジャンル
It rained and rained--all day.
It was a very cold day.

Ten members of my harmonica circle went a nursing home
in the neighborhood.
We played 15 songs on the harmonica.

The audience sang to our harmonica.
What a peaceful time!

All of the audience must have had some hard days.
They got over their difficulties.

It is wonderful to live to attain the age of eighty or ninety
and enjoy music.

(little park in the rain, on the way to the nursing home)

after the heavy rain

2008-05-25 21:33:38 | ノンジャンル
I've been feeling ill since Friday.
I've caught a slight cold.
Last night I got a fever.

I felt much better today.
So I went out for a walk in the neighborhood.

I hope I'll be all right tomorrow.
I'm going to attend a celebration on my harmonic
teacher's 70th harmonica life.
He is a wonderful performer on the harmonica.



today's flowers

2008-05-22 23:16:44 | ノンジャンル
The season of 'dokudami' has come round again.
You'll see 'dokudami' wherever you may go.
Every year I take pictures of 'dokudami'.

I like those white lovely flowers of dokudami very much.
But I do not think 'dokudami' has a delightful scent.
How about you?

In the front yard of the community center,
I found a flower I had never seen before.
I was always in a hurry and so I did not notice it.

The flower is 'Kalmia, Calico bush'.
I like this flower too.

a heavy rain and a big wind

2008-05-20 22:30:50 | ノンジャンル
I went to koharu's house early in the morning.

I thought I would have to take her to school
because it was raining and blowing very hard.

But she had already gone to school.
And her mother had already gone to work.

The storm eased by 11:00 in the morning.
I went to koharu's elementary school.
Today was a open house at school.

koharu's class consists of 39 students.
I'm afraid 39 students is too many for one teacher.
Some were chatting during class.

"Some sustained concentration is also needed," I thought.

I saw lovely flowers on the way to koharu's school.

(mulberry, kuwa-no-mi)