karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on June 29, 2021

2021-06-29 19:43:00 | ノンジャンル
The day before yesterday,
I got my second COVID vaccine at the clinic.

I hear a lot of people have side effects
with the second shot.

I hear the younger you are,
the more serious side effects you have.

I was very afraid of
getting my second vaccination dose.

I had a slight fever yesterday.

I had a slight headache yesterday.

I've been feeling a little lazy
since the day before yesterday.

Yes, my side effects
were not so serious.

What a relief!

on June 25, 2021

2021-06-25 21:48:00 | ノンジャンル
We are now in the rainy season.

How changeable the weather is!

Today's weather----
cloudy→sunny→a shower(俄雨)→
cloudy→sunny→a shower→cloudy.

This changeable weather makes me gloomy.

The washing just won't dry.


Today I went to Kokubunji by bus.

The bus was a bit crowded.

When an old lady got in the bus,
a young lady stood up immediately
and gave her seat to the old lady.

What a heartwarming scene!

I felt happy to see the scene.

on June 20, 2021

2021-06-20 22:25:00 | ノンジャンル
The COVID-19 pandemic continues.

The third declaration of the state of emergency
is to transfer to まん延防止等重点措置 tomorrow,
in Tokyo.

I'm growing accustomed to this new life.

I have settled in to staying at home.

I'm trying to avoid the three Cs---

・closed spaces with poor ventilation(密閉)
・crowded places with many people nearby(密集)
・close-contact setting such as close-range

I keep social distancing.
I wear a mask.

Will the days come when we can enjoy
our normal life?

on June 11, 2021

2021-06-11 13:15:00 | ノンジャンル
What a hot day!

We've had three consecutive “tropical days,”
here in Tokyo. (真夏日)

Are we in midsummer?

We are still in June, not July or August.

Yesterday, I turned on the air conditioner
in my room for the first time this year.

To practice 「きょういく(今日行く場所)」& 
「きょうよう(今日の用事)」 is
rather difficult on these tropical days.

Sweat came out on my forehead
when I walked to my daughter's house.

I was happy that I was strong enough to walk
in this hot weather.

How are you spending your days, Friends?


Plants flourish here along Tamagawa-josui.

They seem to like hot weather.