karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

sayonara, the year 2008

2008-12-29 22:01:18 | ノンジャンル
What a lovely day!
It's very warm during the day.
I can't believe it is now winter.

Today I went to Kunitachi City
to see a good friend of mine.
I had a very good time.

After enjoying talking a lot
I walked down Daigaku-Dori Avenue.

Days have passed and the year 2008 will soon end.

I'm leaving Tokyo for Ise on Dec. 31.
I will pay a visit to Ise-jingu Shrine on New Year's Day.
I'll be back in a few days.

I hope the year 2009 will be a good year
for you and your family.

(Daigaku-Dori Avenue in Kunitachi City)

my Niigata (1)

2008-12-26 21:44:15 | ノンジャンル
I came to live in Tokyo in the year of 2000.
Almost nine years have passed.

I went back to Niigata six times
in the first year in Tokyo.

This year I went back to my house in Niigata
only three times.

Whenever I am in Niigata, I feel relaxed.

Whenever I see what I used to see in Niigata,
I feel my heart filled with good old memories.

My precious memories always encourage me to live.

Yes, I know I have to live out my life.
Where?---in Niigata or in Tokyo?

That's the question.

(from Shinkansen-window)

(in front of Niigata Station)

I saw a big strange plant growing in my garden.
It had fruit.

see you next week

2008-12-19 22:38:38 | ノンジャンル
I'm going home tomorrow-- to Niigata City.
I'll leave my apartment early in the morning.

Nobody lives in my house in Niigata.
It is an old wooden house.
It is one of my greatest treasures, though.
I have many precious memories of my family there.

I'll open all the windows to let fresh air into the rooms.
I'll sit in the rocking chair and think of my past days.

I'll have a good time.

See you next week, dear friends.

(blue skies on my way to the community center)

( yesterday's harmonica-volunteering )

rainy day

2008-12-17 22:56:47 | ノンジャンル
A cold rain was falling all day long.

I went to my favorite hairdresser's in the morning.
I felt refreshed.

I walked slowly in the rain and went to my daughter's.
The rain had abated.

I took it easy without doing anything today.

It's good to have a day like today.