karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to southern Kishu (4-2)

2013-10-29 23:46:00 | ノンジャンル
Here we are in 高野山!
A special guide showed us around 高野山・奥の院.

There were many tombs of famous samurai and many memorials
of famous people or companies.

It began to rain a little when we went to 高野山・金剛峯寺.
This was the last sight we visited.

We took the Hikari Super Express for Tokyo late in the evening.
We reached Tokyo Station too late at night and I stayed overnight
at M-san's house.

Thank you so much, M-san.
I had a very good time with you!

to southern Kishu (3-4)

2013-10-29 23:33:00 | ノンジャンル
熊野三山 consists of these three shrines
熊野那智大社・熊野速玉大社 and 熊野本宮大社.

We paid homage at these three shrines.

There are many trails called 熊野古道.

Next time I visit 熊野, I'd like to walk a rough path through
the forest.

Before going to the hotel in 白浜, we went to see 三段壁,
well-known place where many people commit suicide.
I felt very sad to hear that.

The hotel we stayed at that night was a very nice hotel.

All people working there gave us a hearty welcome.

Our room overlooked the ocean.

The dinner was delicious.

I had a good sleep.

to southern Kishu (3-2)

2013-10-29 23:14:00 | ノンジャンル
Then we walked to 熊野那智大社, which is called
one of 熊野三山.

Then to 青岸渡寺(せいがんとじ)near 熊野那智大社. 

We got on our sightseeing bus to go to 熊野速玉大社,
which is also one of熊野三山.

(from my bus window)

(御神木「梛(なぎ)」it is 1000 years old.)