karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on May 29, Friday

2020-05-29 19:40:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning I took these pictures
on the way to my daughter's house.

The shiny green of the trees along
Tamagawa-josui made me happy.

The sky I saw through the trees was so beautiful.

It was a fine day and the temperature rose to 27.4℃.

It was not humid at all.

Yes, it was a very comfortable weather.

Oh, my favorite flowers!

The season of 'dokudami' has come round again.

on May 23, Saturday

2020-05-23 13:27:00 | ノンジャンル
Here in Tokyo, we are still
under a state of emergency.

I Stay Home and live with a heavy heart.
I'm sorry I have no chances to see my friends.

All the Kominkans are closed
until the end of May.

So all the club activities,
which many elderly people enjoy,
are canceled.

How are they getting along?
How are they staying at home?

I'm sure they are all looking forward
to attending their club activities!


It's cloudy and a bit cold today.
I feel as if we were in the rainy season.

I've just been to the supermarket.

On the way back, I saw 紫陽花 
in beautiful bloom.

Will the rainy season soon start?

It cleared up in the afternoon
and the sun began to shine.

It got warmer---no rain!

on Mother's Day

2020-05-10 13:22:00 | ノンジャンル
My daughter has just sent me
a nice Mother's Day card by mail.


Happy Mothers Day!

Thank you so much
for everything you do for me.

I feel so happy to be your daughter.


And I've just answered her as follows:

Dearest Daughter,

Thank you so much for such a lovely card!
I do love it, Daughter.

How happy I am you are my Daughter!

You are my life and I'd like to see
you enjoying your life.

Keep on studying astrophysics
as long as you want.

Go for it!



I bought a red carnation for my mother
in heaven.

I took care of her for her last 17 years.

She passed away at the age of 83.

As I get older, I do understand
how you felt in your last years.

I miss you deeply, Mom!

a letter from Anne, my pen pal

2020-05-04 22:56:00 | ノンジャンル
How happy I am to receive a letter
from Anne!

Anne and I have been pen pals
for 64 years.

Anne lives in Florida, USA.

Anne wrote this letter on April 20
and posted it on April 22.

I received her letter on May 1.

What a relief!
Anne is all right.
Anne is getting better.

I wrote to her yesterday,on May 3.
When will she receive my letter?