karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Nebuta Festival by college students

2018-10-28 09:38:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday evening, I happened to see
ねぶた lifted by college students
of 青森県学生寮.

This was one of the events
of their dormitory festival 寮祭,
I heard.

Sorry, I didn't know 青森県学生寮
is in Kodaira city.

All the students looked full of life!
They brought life to us audience.

I was happy to see young people
full of vigor.

I remembered my university days.
I was full of life and energy.
I always tried my hardest in everything.
How young I was!

Time really flies.

Kodaira City Festival

2018-10-22 21:24:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful autumn day!

Yesterday there was an annual festival
in Kodaira City.

The festival lasted from 9:30 to 4:00.

There were 10 こどもみこし
(by preschool children),
8 おとなみこし, or entertainment
performances by many groups.

There were a lot of stalls (出店) along the
where the festival was going on.

I was looking forward to the festival,
because I wanted to buy potatoes
at a stall called 小平町コーナー
from Hokkaido.

小平町(おびらまち) in Hokkaido
and 小平市(こだいらし)
have been sister cities for 40 years.

Potatoes they sell are delicious
and I buy their potatoes every year.

At 9:00 I left home and hurried
to the stall小平町コーナー.

To my surprise, there was already
a long, long line of people
who wanted to buy the local products
of おびら町.

I waited one and a half hours
before buying the potatoes
for my daughter’s family!

I was awfully tired
but very happy to get them
before their being sold out.

(Not a cloud was to be seen!)



hello, mantis!

2018-10-18 20:36:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning the sun was shining
high in the sky.

When I was walking along the sidewalk
near my apartment,,
I saw a mantis, カマキリ. walking
on the fence.

Are you a child?
Are you a girl?
Are you a boy?

Why are you walking here?

Can you leap down from the fence?

Do you need my help?

The mantis said No, and I said Bye.

Oh, when did I see カマキリ last?

my fond memories

2018-10-13 21:51:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning, when I was dusting
the bookshelves,
I happened to find a book of 6年1組文集
titled 「おもいで」.

I was an elementary schoolgirl of 6年1組
64 years ago.

There were 60 boys and girls in the class.

My class teacher, Mr. Ishida, compiled
our compositions into a book---
written by hand.

The book is 2 cm thick!

Mr. Ishida gave a copy to each of us
on graduation day.

The 文集「おもいで」contains
60 students’compositions on


What a nostalgic memory!

I spent a couple of hours
reading the 「おもいで」.

( by the principal)

(by the vice-principal)

(by my class teacher, Mr. Ishida)

(my classmates 6年1組)

(my hometown)

going to the dentist

2018-10-09 20:38:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went to the dentist
to have my teeth checked and cleaned.

My dentist asks me to have
a dental checkup twice a year.

First, 歯科衛生士 cleaned my teeth.

Then, they took an X-ray of my teeth.

Finally, the doctor examined my teeth.

Nothing was wrong with any of my teeth!

How happy I was!

To tell the truth, I am 歯科恐怖症.