karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Lake Kawaguchiko (2)

2015-06-28 22:59:00 | ノンジャンル
Then I walked along the lake
as I always do in Kawaguchiko.

I love to see Mt. Fuji
rising across Lake Kawaguchiko.

I took a tea break at Fuji Lake Hotel as usual
and enjoyed talking with the lobby manager.

As I always write,

Mt. Fuji and Lake Kawaguchiko
are very special to me.

I came back to my apartment at 5:30 pm.

I walked 15327 steps today.

to Lake Kawaguchiko (1)

2015-06-28 22:45:00 | ノンジャンル
What a lovely day!

After doing the washing, I left my apartment at 8:30.

I hurried to Lake Kawaguhiko to see Mt. Fuji.

Fortunately I was able to catch ホリデイ快速
at Takao Station.

(from the train window)

I arrived at Kawaguchiko Station at 11:00.

(Kawaguchiko Station)

I went directly to カチカチ山 by cable car.

I'm always in a hurry in Kawaguchiko.

I know clouds will hide Mt. Fuji
as time goes on.

Yes, the earlier, the better.

today's dish

2015-06-25 22:26:00 | ノンジャンル
I had a very busy day.

I worked as a volunteer waitress at a community café.

I went to my daughter's house and back three times!

I walked a lot, 15090 steps in a day.

I had a good appetite.

I made 「豚しゃぶサラダ」for supper
from the recipe of Hanna-Danna-san's



I used lettuce, 水菜、エリンギ, アイコ tomatoes
and 豚しゃぶロース.

I enjoyed this dish with sesame dressing.

How delicious!

Thank you so much, Hanna-Danna-san.

to Shinjuku, on a sunny Saturday

2015-06-21 16:13:00 | ノンジャンル
We are now in the rainy season,
but it was a sunny day yesterday.

I went to Shinjuku with YI-san, a friend of mine
and we enjoyed the photos by the members of


Ms. Hiroko Yamaguchi, a member of能楽写真家協会
invited us to

創立10周年記念―写真展「能 花への誘い」
held at アイデムフォトギャラリー in Shinjuku.

No cameras allowed.

41 photos were exhibited.
Each of them showed a scene from Noh performances.

I felt as if I were in the Noh theater能楽堂
and were enjoying Noh performances.

Thank you so much, Ms. Hiroko Yamaguchi.

My friend and I were overwhelmed with the indescribable
solemnity of the exhibition.

Then we went to Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.
We enjoyed walking there.

What a beautiful garden!

(Shinjuku Gyoen Goryo-tei)

(from inside of the building)

We had a late lunch at a restaurant in Takashimaya
and we left for home.

We spent an agreeable day downtown, Tokyo.

I walked 13834 steps yesterday.

rainy season

2015-06-18 11:27:00 | ノンジャンル
It is 10 days since the rainy season set in
here in Tokyo.

We have had dull and muggy weather lately.

I've just been to my daughter's house.

On the way back I took some pictures in my neighborhood.

The sky is gray. It will soon rain again.

You look happy, my dear plants!

Now, I am going to have an early lunch and go to work
as a volunteer waitress.

Have a nice day, everybody.