karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Friday morning

2015-10-30 14:36:00 | ノンジャンル
It is Friday today but I have no Friday English Class.
We have no class on 5th Friday.

I stayed at home watching the NHK TV program
「あさイチ」, which I seldom watch.

In that program there was an interview to 小椋 佳.

Oh, how happy I was!

I am a fan of 小椋 佳.
I do love his songs.

He sang a song 「愛燦燦」this morning.

I do love his way of life too.

In that program I happened to hear one of my favorite songs
Bésame Mucho「ベサメ・ムーチョ」by IL DIVO (イル・ディーヴォ).

I used to listen to Bésame Mucho byトリオ・ロス・パンチョス
when I was a university student.

「ベサメ・ムーチョ」was very popular in those days.

The song reminds me of my university life.
The song makes my heart filled with joy.

I was sorry I didn't have Friday English Class today
but those two songs in the TV program
made me so happy.

(tamagawa-josui, this morning)

Mission accomplished!

2015-10-26 23:27:00 | ノンジャンル
Not a cloud was to be seen in the sky.

I stayed at my daughter's house last night.
My daughter is a college student and studies physics.

Yesterday she went to Kusatsu and attended a seminar
in physics for graduate and undergraduate students.

My daughter left home very early in the morning--
around 6 a.m. and hurried to the meeting place.

I went to her house and did washing.

It was Sunday but every member of her family was very busy.

koharu, her daughter, went to school to attend the brass band

koharu's brother, a college student, had a part-time job.

Their Dad had to go to work. He is always busy.

koharu and I had dinner at her favorite restaurant
on her way from school.

She was too hungry to come home, so I decided to have
dinner at the restaurant. I hurried there by bus.



We were the first to come home.
Then koharu’s brother and their Dad lastly.

What a lonely night!
We all missed her.

This morning koharu got up at half past five.
She had set the alarm clock for 4:30 a.m.
I woke up at 4:10 a.m.
I was sleepy all day.

She left home before 7 and went to high school.
She has to attend 朝連(朝練習)every morning.

My daughter came home around 8:00 this evening.
She enjoyed physics and 草津温泉.

koharu and her brother were greatly interested
in a seminar in physics which their Mom had attended.

I came back to my apartment.
There's no place like home.

What a relief!
Mission accomplished!

autumn colors in the neighborhood

2015-10-20 22:02:00 | ノンジャンル
Autumn came early this year.

I am enjoying a crisp autumn.

I've reached the autumn of my life.

And I'm glad to say that I am enjoying it.

I went for a walk in the neighborhood
his morning.

I still have a sore throat.

Coughs sometimes annoy me.

But I am all right.

The yellow flowers look happy.

ドウダンツツジ look cheerful.

ドングリ brought back many cherished memories
to me.

I walk more than 10000 steps almost every day.

Is pumpkin a fruit?

2015-10-16 22:46:00 | ノンジャンル
In Friday English class, we first read a story
from Chicken Soup.

Then we enjoyed a crossword puzzle on Halloween
in the last ten minutes.

The crossword was easy but I was surprised
at the hint as to ‘pumpkin.’

The hint was “large round orange-colored fruit. ”

According to Longman English-English dictionary,

“pumpkin is a very large orange fruit that grows
on the ground, or the inside of this fruit eaten as food.”

I love pumpkin anyway--
Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Pie
or Pumpkin Soup.

National Holiday, Taiiku-no Hi

2015-10-12 20:36:00 | ノンジャンル
It is the second Monday of October.

It is a national holiday called “Health and Sports Day.”

Did you enjoy your holiday?

I did.

Two of my good old friends came to Tokyo yesterday
to attend a certain meeting.

And this morning I met them in Tachikawa after an interval
of over 10 years.

We enjoyed talking for 3 hours and they left Tokyo.


By the way, on a national holiday, people don't have
to go to work or school.

I am surprised to know both my daughter and her son
attend classes at university even on national holidays.

Is it because there are too many national holidays in Japan?

(in the neighborhood)

(at 4:30p.m. today)