karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

peaceful Saturday afternoon

2007-06-30 15:57:25 | ノンジャンル
I have nothing particular to do today.
I've just been to the post office nearby.

I was surprised to see the flower cosmos in bloom
in the same field where I saw the sunflowers a few days ago.
I wonder why every flower blooms so early in that field.

koharu called in at my apartment on her way home
from her piano lesson. I wore culottes.

As soon as she saw me, she advised me not to go out in culottes.
She told me culottes did not suit me.

It is a peaceful Saturday afternoon.

(today's sky in the rainy season)

sunflower, again

2007-06-27 23:50:37 | ノンジャンル
What a hot day!
I'm getting stronger in the summer heat.
I'm trying not to escape from the heat but to enjoy it.

My daughter was busy with her work.
I helped her with household chores.

I played with koharu, my 7-year-old granddaughter,
when she came home from school.

We played school (gakkou-gokko).
koharu played as a teacher, and I as her student.
Yes, she was a good teacher and I was a good student.
We had an enjoyable time.

( sunflower I saw today )

( this evening )

Parma, art exhibition

2007-06-25 00:10:25 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to The National Museum of Western Art at Ueno.
My friend and I enjoyed pieces from 16th to 17th centuries.
They were painted by painters who lived in Parma, Italy.

Last year I made a trip to Italy, enjoyed the splendor
in Musei Vaticani, enjoyed Uffizi Gallery in Firenze,
yes enjoyed everything I saw. But I missed Parma.

I enjoyed Parma's old paintings. I thought, " Parma is not
so famous as Firenze, but Parma is really another Firenze."

It drizzled on and off.
White flowers at the gate of the museum were so beautiful.

geshi, the summer solstice

2007-06-22 23:03:51 | ノンジャンル
Today is geshi, the longest day of the year.

But I felt the day was shorter than yesterday,
because it had been raining all day long.

It was already getting dark around six.
On a fine day it is quite light even at 7:00 p.m.

Today I went to school to meet my granddaughter,
koharu. I saw many pots of asagao, morning glory,
in the schoolyard.

It was around 4:00 p.m. but some morning glories were
in bloom in the rain.

(today's sky)