karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

today's photos

2014-07-29 20:47:00 | ノンジャンル
What a pleasant summer day!

I like a summer day like this.

Low humidity, bright sunshine,
cool wind and no sweat!

All the plants along Tamagawa-josui looked

(Tamagawa-josui around 6:00pm)

severe summer heat

2014-07-26 08:59:00 | ノンジャンル
How have you been in this severe summer heat?
I hope you've been Good.

I'm good but I'm afraid the day will come
when I can't stand such heat as this.

“Don't be weak, karin. You'll be all right.
Autumn will surely come,” I say to myself
and encourage myself.

I'll lead my daily life as I always do.

I will live up to Mahatma Gandhi's saying:

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.

Yes, I'll enjoy 'today' and learn as long as I live.

to 'Gallery 美庵' in Ginza

2014-07-20 10:29:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I visited 「Gallery 美庵」 in Ginza.
It was my first visit to the gallery.

I went to Tokyo Station, changed trains there
and got off at JR Shinbashi Station.

Where is 「Gallery 美庵?
Which way should I go?

It was very difficult for me to find the gallery.
But a gentleman who was jogging alone was
so kind as to look for the gallery with me.

Wow! Here we were! I didn’t know how to express
my thanks to him.

The gallery is located on the old street 金春(こんぱる)通り.

「Gallery 美庵」is on the fifth floor of 平つか building.

「Gallery 美庵」was a small cozy gallery which made me
calm and warm.

Every painting had something original or individual.

The painting I wanted to enjoy was titled

It was painted by Mayu-chan
who has Down's syndrome.

Her mother's blog is as follows:

Mayu-chan's painting touched me deeply.

After enjoying talking with the front desk lady, I went to
中央通り. What a relief!

中央通り was crowded with people from foreign countries.
Is business brightening up in Ginza?

Friday English Class. today

2014-07-18 20:59:00 | ノンジャンル
It was a long way to walk in this heat to attend
Friday English Class.

This was the last class before the summer vacation.
We'll have no class in August.

Our teacher will go home to America for a summer vacation.

Today we read a piece from Chicken Soup for the Soul
Drafted by Mother Teresa!

It was a bit difficult but we managed to finish reading it
in two hours, which made us feel happy.

There are only 8 members in Friday English Class.
We'd like a few more members.

How about joining us and enjoying English with us?

walking in Yokohama

2014-07-14 20:14:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I woke up early in the morning.

I could not sleep well because of too hot night.
I felt uncomfortable and tired after only four hours of sleep.
I thought to myself, “I'll have a lazy Sunday at home.”

But I changed my mind!

“It's the second Sunday and I'll join ‘Green Road Walking Club’
instead of staying at home all day,” I thought.

I hurried to Kodaira Station and arrived there in time.


Here we are at みなとみらい駅!
We started to walk from here.


(汽車道Kishamichi Promenade)


I took onigiri-lunch here with a lady.

After lunch we went to海上保安資料館横浜館
where a North Korean 工作船 was exhibited.

Then we took SEA BASS and went to 山下公園.

We got off SEA BASS and walked to みなとの見える丘公園.

Then we walked to 元町and 中華街.

Some members went to a restaurant but I was full
and had no appetite.

I had a rest in the shade with other members,
enjoying chatting.

My Sunday turned out wonderful Sunday!

I walked 18173 steps in a day.