karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

a boy from South Korea

2005-05-22 12:12:06 | ノンジャンル
I feel much better today, though I still have some pain both in my back and left ankle.

Yesterday I could not attend Japanese teaching class as a volunteer, because of severe backache. I missed a Korean boy a lot.

Now I teach a 12-year-old Korean boy who attends a public junior high school in K City. The boy came to Japan with his family in September 2003. His father came to Japan to study economics in H University.

His son did not understand Japanese at all. As soon as he came to live in Japan, he attended a public elementary school--in the fifth grade.

To my surprise, he has almost mastered Japanese only in one and a half year.

He and his family will go back to Korea in January next year. He is now worrying about English. In Korea they begin to learn English at the third grade of elementary school. He had studied English for two years before coming to Japan.

He mastered Japanese but he did not study English here in Japanese elementary school. So, he is afraid that he will not be able to catch up with his Korean friends in English, when he goes back to Korea.

The boy and I decided to study English together on Saturday. Again I was surprised to find that he had already understood English taught in Japanese junior high school.

Anyway, to teach is to learn. To study with him is very interesting and exciting.

(from him 'On Mother's Day' last year)