karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Oh, no!

2020-01-31 22:32:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, no!
This morning I went to three drug stores
to buy flu masks but all the stock of masks
was sold out!

I usually don't wear a mask,
so I don't keep any masks at home.

The new coronavirus is going around.
Nothing is known about the virus.

Things are getting serious.
It seems that we are all in a panic.

Anyway, tomorrow, I'll go to other stores
to buy masks.

(very fine but windy, today)

it's cold today in Tokyo

2020-01-26 13:53:00 | ノンジャンル
It was a very warm day yesterday
but today it's very cold.

But we've had almost no snow here in Tokyo.

This warm winter is said to be caused
by Climate Change


When was it when we had a heavy snow last
here in Tokyo?

I can't forget the last day of the year 2004,
New Year's Eve.

We had a heavy snow on that day.

It is the heaviest snow I've ever seen
since I came to live here in Tokyo.

Children were all excited to see the heavy snow.
They were all full of joy.

Oh, I can still hear their laughter!


What will Climate Change bring to us?

How can we stop Global Warming?


(koharu, my granddaughter, 4 years old)

Good Luck, Students!

2020-01-18 13:28:00 | ノンジャンル
We've had very warm days for winter
here in Tokyo.

But today it is so cold.
Oh, a fine snow is falling outside.

What a relief!
There seemed to have been no troubles
in the traffic this morning.

You are now taking
‘The National Center Test
for University Admissions.'

Yes, “Testing in progress.” (ただいま試験中)

Do your best, Students!
Good luck, Students!

(tamagawa-josui, on Jan.19)

to my Darling

2020-01-11 23:25:00 | ノンジャンル
It is your birthday today.
You were born on January 11.
I'm very sorry that I can't say,
“Happy Birthday, Darling!”

You passed away on March 19, 1974.
I've never forgotten the day you told me---

I'll die in a few years, karin
I have a blood cancer.
There's no way to remove cancer.
I'm not afraid of dying at all.
But I'm so sorry that I have to leave you and
our daughter behind.
Forgive me, Karin.
I can't make you and our daughter happy.
How will you live after my death?
Would you please work for your living?
Would you please work and bring up our child?
Then I can die in peace.

Ah, what a courageous, yet gentle and sweet
husband you were!

I've lived longer than you by 45 years!
I miss you deeply, Darling.

happy Wednesday

2020-01-09 11:45:00 | ノンジャンル
Every Wednesday, I enjoy English
with three ladies in the community

Yesterday, we got together and
greatly enjoyed ourselves.

We talked a lot both in English
and Japanese.

We studied English grammar.
Yesterday we learned 動名詞.

We read English in a loud voice.

We laughed a lot.

Laughing made me so happy.

The lounge is open to anybody.

The elementary school boys and girls
come to the lounge after school.

We were happy to meet
little boys and girls.


We, four ladies, happened to become
good friends at a meeting several
years ago and we found we all liked
English very much.

One lady is in her latter fifties,
and the others are in their seventies.

We decided to enjoy English
every Wednesday.

We'd like to improve our English
ability in speaking, writing,
reading or listening.

We are studying English grammar too.

We have no teacher.

We are studying by ourselves.

We try to use English
when we talk to each other.

We are talking in Japanese
before we know, though.

How nice to have good friends
and have chances to enjoy English!

(today's photo)