karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Oct. 31, Saturday

2020-10-31 13:21:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful day!

Not a cloud is to be seen in the sky.

I know grammatically speaking
this is a very old expression,
but I like this expression very much,
which I learned when I was a junior high

The sky is so blue!
Looking up at the sky makes me happy.


Time really flies!
It's the last day of October.

I can't believe the New Year will come
in two months.

How have I been doing so far?
Each day went as usual with me.

But I've been always worrying about
the new coronavirus pandemic,I'm afraid.

I've been nervous.
I've been frustrated.

But I'll try to live with bright hopes.

(in the neighborhood)

on a fine autumn day

2020-10-24 21:56:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, what a fine day!

We've had very few fine days so far,
so I was excited to see the blue sky
this morning.

I did the laundry.
I did the cleaning.
I did air out my ふとん.
I did some shopping.
I did enjoy walking along Tamagawa-josui.

I was happy to have a phone call
from a friend of mine.
We talked on the phone for a long time.

I visited my daughter in the afternoon.
Both her husband and their son were not
at home---they seemed to be busy
with their work.

My daughter stayed at home studying physics.

I was happy to have a long talk with her.
How sweet of you, Daughter!

I walked 8413 steps in a day.

I had a very peaceful day.

the year of 1964

2020-10-10 14:28:00 | ノンジャンル
In 1964, the Olympic Games was held in Tokyo.

The opening ceremony took place on October 10th,
----56 years ago !

Did any of you see the ceremony live or on TV?

My father went to Tokyo to see it live.

I was a fourth year college student in Niigata.
I had no TV set in my rent room.
I don't remember anything about the opening ceremony.
Wasn't I listening to the radio?


On June 16 in 1964, the powerful Earthquake hit

The Niigata Earthquake occurred
just after I had lunch at the students'hall.

The River Shinano flooded.
The electricity was cut off.
The water and gas were cut off too.

Our summer vacation that year started on June 17
but I could not go back to my hometown
until the end of June.

I shall never forget the Niigata Earthquake in 1964.


During the summer vacation in 1964,
I went to 長野・信濃大町 学生村 to devote myself
to preparing my graduation thesis. (卒論)

I was going to write about

I kept on studying day after day.


The year of 1964 was a very eventful year.

Oh, how young I was! Only 22 years old!

My youth of no regrets!