karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

karin, Japanese quince

2019-06-28 20:45:00 | ノンジャンル
This fruiting tree is karin.

I was surprised to find many fruits
on the karin today.

A young karin was given
to my daughter's family
from my friend.

Oh, I remember
koharu was only 3 years old.

koharu is my granddaughter.

16 years have passed
since it was planted in the yard
of their new-built house.

And koharu is now
a university student!

Time really flies!

I used to pickle sliced karin in honey
every year.

I am wondering if I try to pickle karin
in honey this autumn.

I'll decide by the time
when the fruits get yellow.

Friday English Class, on June14

2019-06-15 10:47:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, our Friday English Class teacher
emailed us that she was feeling very sick
and was about to go to urgent care.

How are you feeling, Mrs. MB?
I hope you are now feeling much better.
Are you in the hospital or do you stay at home?

So, yesterday we students studied English
without a teacher.

We did exercises in sounding words
worksheets our teacher had handed to us

Do you try some of them?


Choose the correct word
from the following pairs:

★accept / except
1.I offered her an apology, but she wouldn't ----it.
2 The museum is open daily --- Mondays.
3 Everyone was there --- for Sally.

(1.accept 2. except 3. except)

★lend / borrow
1 I can --- you my car for the weekend.
2 She used to --- money and not bother
to pay it back.
3 He doesn’t like ---ing his books.

(1.lend 2. borrow 3. lend)

★live/ life
1 The concert was broadcast --- on the Internet.
2 Ocean --- is being threatened by global warming.
3 I --- with my parents in London.
4 He touched a --- wire and got an electric shock.

(1.live 2. life 3. live 4. live)

We are not sure
if the answers above are correct.

the rainy season

2019-06-08 21:52:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday the weather was dull
with rain and the start of the rainy
season was officially begun
in Kanto area.

What kind of weather will we have?

Hot and humid weather?

Boiling hot weather?

Changeable weather?

Cold weather?

Torrential rains? 豪雨

I hope there will be no natural disasters.


Next week, we'll have cold days
for this time of the year.

Oh, I have to try to keep myself
in good condition.

Take good care of yourself,

(today's photos)

today's photos, June 3

2019-06-03 22:32:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went back and forth three times
between my apartment and my daughter's

to check all the doors are locks
in the morning,

to take in the washing after lunch

and in the evening to close the shutters
and turn the gate light on.

I do these things for myself.

For exercise I walk to my daughter's house,
I mean.

I walked slowly along Tamagawa-josui
and enjoyed the season of green colors.

I walked 14578 steps in a day.



(the bush)