karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

conversation between koharu and me

2015-05-27 11:30:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu, my granddaughter, is a first year
high school student.

At this time of the year, high school students
have the midterm examination.

koharu comes home earlier than usual
during the midterm examination—four days.

Yesterday she came home around 2:00p.m.

Hello, Mom! I'm home!” koharu said
opening the door.

“Oh, you miss Mom, don't you, koharu?
Your mother is busy studying at university
and will be late coming home.
You want her to stay at home,
don't you, koharu?”

“Oh, NO. If Mom stays at home alone,
I always worry what if anything wrong
has happened to her.
Mom studies at university now and her classmates
will help her if anything wrong has happened to her.
I don't mind Mom coming home late
if she enjoys her life at university.”

I am happy to find my little girl has grown up
into a thoughtful high school girl.

walking in Tachikawa (1)

2015-05-23 22:45:00 | ノンジャンル
I woke up early this morning.
I felt very good.

I had breakfast at half past seven—
30 minutes earlier than usual.

Oh, what a fine day!

The forecast predicted rain tomorrow.

And I decided to join‘Green Road Walking Club’.
I enjoyed walking in Tachikawa City.

I often go to Tachikawa to visit Showa Kinen Park
and to see movies at Tachikawa Cinema.

I know nothing of other places in Tachikawa.

I was happy I had a chance to enjoy walking
in Tachikawa today.

(today's schedule)

国分寺駅 ⇒ 立川駅 ⇒ 諏訪神社 ⇒ 普済寺 ⇒青柳段丘⇒
根川緑道(昼食)⇒ 日野の渡し跡 ⇒ 根川貝殻坂橋 ⇒
矢川緑地保全地域 ⇒ 立川駅 ⇒ 国分寺駅

We 16 members met at Kokubunji at 9:30.
We started to walk from Tachikawa Station
about 10:00 and had lunch at 11:30.

On the way back to Tachikawa Station 9 of us ladies
had a coffee break at McDonald's.
I had a glass of コーク・マックフロート.

The short rest refreshed us completely and we walked
to Tachikawa Station.

I did not take so many pictures today.

I enjoyed walking and sweated a lot.

I walked 16672 steps today.


movie, 「Cinderella」

2015-05-18 11:38:00 | ノンジャンル
Last Saturday I watched an American movie
titled ‘Cinderella’ at Tachikawa Cinema 2.

I saw ‘Cinderella’ in English version.

We all know the story
and that of the movie was the same.

I suppose some of the audience may have found
the movie boring.

But I enjoyed the movie so much.

Every scene was so beautiful.
I enjoyed myself in Fairyland.
Am I simple-minded?

English spoken in the movie was very clear
and easy to understand.

The most impressive words were —
‘Have courage and be kind.’

This was told by Cinderella’s mother before her death.

I wrote down this sentence in my note.

The movie studio had 180 seats.
It was filled with young couples and young ladies.
I saw no elderly people!

I guess many of them are fans of Disney world.

I said to a young lady who sat next to me in English,
“How many times have you ever been to TDL or TDS?”

She said to me in English, “Oh, how many---I don’t remember.
I go there at least twice a year.
Disney world has been my favorite since my childhood.”

By the way, I've been to TDL only once.