karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Cold, isn't it?

2016-10-30 14:57:00 | ノンジャンル
I've just been to my hairdresser's.
I've just my hair cut and dyed.

I can't dye my hair myself,
so I go to my hairdresser's once a month.

I'm sure I am completely gray-haired.
When shall I stop having my hair dyed?

Oh, what a cold day!

On the way back to my apartment, I looked up
at 銀杏 and found their leaves are turning yellow.

Autumn grows deeper and deeper.

Saturday with Mrs. M

2016-10-23 20:52:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, Mrs. M and I met at Platform 1
of Tokyo Station at 11:00 a.m.

Oh, I was very happy to be in good condition
enough to feel like going downtown Tokyo.

First, we went to Mitsui Memorial Museum
and enjoyed the Special Exhibition: 
松島 瑞巌寺都伊達正宗展.

秘仏五大明王像 特別公開

We had a late lunch at a restaurant
in Mitsui Memorial Museum—

I was surprised to find I was hungry
and had a good appetite.

I'm sure I am almost all right!

After lunch we caught a taxi and went
to the Idemitsu Museum of Art
and enjoyed The Grand Sengai Exhibition.

Sengai is a Zen monk who lived from 1750 to 1837.

His paintings are all so cute and have something

I was a little tired yesterday
but I gained confidence in my health.
Thank you for everything, Mrs. M.

Halloween candy

2016-10-19 22:22:00 | ノンジャンル
Are you planning to have or join a Halloween party
on the night of October 31?

Halloween is now a very popular event even
in Japan.

I hear Halloween parties or parades are arranged
in many places in Japan.

Sorry to say, I've never joined any of them.

We Japanese really like gala events, don't we?

Today a friend of mine gave me
a bag of Halloween candy.

Thank you so much, YI-san!

What a lovely day!

2016-10-15 10:40:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, what a fine clear autumn morning!

My day has started with my favorite song on the radio.
It is “Yesterday once more” by Carpenters.

I've finished all my chores to do in the morning.

It's Saturday. I'm free all day.

Oh, I'd like to go to see Taki-san's photos.

Her Photo Circle is holding an exhibition
at the Kominkan nearby. Is this the last day?

I've never seen her photos yet.

She is trying her hardest to be a good amateur

See you later.

(written at 10:40)

The Kominkan is located near Kokubunji Station.
The name of her photo circle is けやきフォトサークル.
There were 30 photos by 15 members.

Each photo was so impressive.
Thank you, Taki-san,
for inviting me to the exhibition.

(written at 6:30 p.m.)

movie, SULLY

2016-10-09 11:37:00 | ノンジャンル
It was raining almost all day yesterday.

I didn't know why but I felt a little lonely.

In the afternoon I went to Tachikawa Cinema Ⅰalone
and enjoyed a movie titled “ SULLY”,
「ハドソン川の奇跡」in Japanese.

Do you remember the air accident which happened
on January 15, 2009 in New York?

It was known as "Miracle on the Hudson".

Captain Chesley ”Sully” Sullenberger and the crew
were celebrated as heroes.

This movie SULLY is based on this accident.

The theme of this movie is based on
the inquiries into the cause of the accident—
what happened after the accident.

I think I should not write any further.

The movie SULLY is a great movie, I think.

It made my heart beat faster.
It made me uneasy.
I was touched by the movie so much
that I was brushing the tears away
at the end.