karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Wednesday English Class Homework

2011-07-28 22:41:00 | ノンジャンル
I've finished writing one of my favorite recipe in English.
Can you imagine what Japanese Radish Pot is like?


My Favorite Dish
by karin

Japanese Radish Pot (Daikon-nabe)

Ingredients  ( serves 4 )

Japanese radish・・・・・ 1
pork loin・・・・・・・・ 300 grams
deep-fried bean curd・・・ 2 pieces
dried kelp・・・・・・・・ a 10-cm-long sheet
water ・・・・・・・・・・ 3 cups
Japanese sake ・・・・・・ 1/4 cup
scallions ・・・・・・・・ a few stems
ponzu soy sauce

1 Cut the radish into 4 and slice them with a peeler.
2. Slice the pork loin.
3. Cut each deep-fried bean curd into 2-cm-wide pieces.
4. Pour water into the earthenware pot.
5. Put dried kelp into the pot and leave it for 3 hours.
6. Then boil the water in the pot.
7. Put in Japanese sake, radish and deep- fried bean curds
and boil them again.
8. Put in the pork loin and boil until the meat is cooked.

Now it’s time for you to enjoy Daikon-nabe. .

Serve some into a small bowl.
Enjoy it with ponzu soy sauce.
Place chopped scallions, if you please.

* Ponzu is juice pressed from bitter oranges.

★comment by my English teacher:

You've done an excellent job of translating
the recipe into English!

summer vacation

2011-07-26 13:51:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu and I are enjoying our summer vacation.

koharu's brother is busy preparing for the brass band

koharu's father is busy with his work,
but his busy days will be over this coming Saturday.

koharu's mother is busy with e-learning to renew her
teacher's license.
She teaches physics at a private senior high school.

Many of koharu's friends go to juku to take exams
for 中高一貫校.

koharu will go to a public junior high school nearby.

koharu says she'd like to decide which high school
she'll go to after three years at a public high school.

koharu is now going her own way---how time flies!

I'm getting shorter.

2011-07-24 22:03:00 | ノンジャンル
Eleven years have passed since I started
my life in Tokyo in this small apartment--
in a 6-mat-room with a small kitchen and a bathroom.

And now I must admit I'm getting shorter year by year.

Lately I've found it very difficult to hang out
the laundry on the laundry pole outside.

I asked the landlord to buy four blocks for me.

(I don't drive nor ride a bike. He has a car. )

I thought those four blocks would make me easy reach
the laundry pole if I stood on them.

Oh, how happy I am!

My landlord made me a nice stool with four legs.

It is made of wood. It is firm. I like it very much.

Hanging out the laundry is no more hard work.

Thank you, Landlord.

(today's sky at 18:00)

four days in Niigata

2011-07-20 23:41:00 | ノンジャンル
In Niigata, O-bon is held in August
and I visit my husband's grave and my parents' grave every year.

This time I visited my husband's grave in Yoshida-machi.

It takes 50 minutes from Niigata Station to Yoshida Station
by train.

I'll go to my hometown Tochio and visit my parents' grave
in August.

I enjoyed staying in Niigata.

One of my neighbors gave me fresh 枝豆 and tomatoes.
They were all so delicious!

Sitting before the Buddhist altar, I talked a lot with my husband.
He always makes me calm.

I went to the sea and saw the setting sun---which reminded me of
my good old days.

I walked through the pinewood near my house, where I used to take
my two dogs for a walk.

People enjoy bird watching here.

I enjoyed talking with my friends. Thank you so much, ladies!

(from my train to Yoshida)

(pinewoods near my house)

(the Japan sea near my house)

(from the Shinkansen, yesterday)