karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

a lovely present

2017-04-29 09:46:00 | ノンジャンル
A lady has brought me a lovely present of little flowers.

This present made me warm and happy.

She lives alone near my apartment and we happened
to meet a few times on the way to a supermarket nearby.

She is from Kobe, she says.
She is a very active lady.
She is younger than I by four or five years.

We'll be good friends, I hope.

Thank you so much, Miya-san!


By the way, “Golden Week” has started.
How are you spending today?

a busy Saturday, on April 22

2017-04-25 22:23:00 | ノンジャンル
Last Saturday Mrs. M and I went to Roppongi
and appreciated 草間彌生展
at the National Art Center, Tokyo 国立新美術館.

The exhibition was titled Yayoi Kusama's
‘My Eternal Soul.’

In the first room we were allowed to take pictures.

There were a lot of Kusama's recent works
連作・わが永遠の魂 exhibited there.

How happy Yayoi Kusama is to express herself
by paintings!

Sorry to say, it was difficult for me to understand
her eternal soul.

After lunch, we went to Suntory Museum of Art nearby.

We enjoyed 絵巻マニア列伝 Picture Scroll Enthusiasts.

Every 絵巻 was fun and interesting.

Then, later in the afternoon, we went to Ginza Six,
GSIX, which opened on April 21.

GSIX was crowded with visitors like us.
Mrs. M and I visited it out of curiosity.

(designed by草間彌生)


I spent a very busy Saturday
on April 22.

I was glad to know
I was almost all right,
though I still have a small appetite.

Thank you ever so much, M-san!

my anxiety

2017-04-22 21:26:00 | ノンジャンル
Terrorism seems to be increasing all over the world.

Terrorism on the Champs Elysees(シャンゼリゼ)
gave me a shock.

About 7 years ago, I stayed in Paris for three days
and enjoyed walking there.

I felt as if I myself had got involved in terrorism in Paris.

I hope no terrorism will break out
during the Tokyo Olympic Games.

By the way, where did the robbers escape
with 380 million yen?
I mean robbers in Fukuoka cash robbery.

Where did the robbers in Ginza cash robbery
escape with 40 million yen?

Where are they?

I have peace of mind when I see flowers and trees
around my neighborhood.


at the beginning of the new school year

2017-04-15 14:08:00 | ノンジャンル
The new school year has started
and everyone looks fresh and busy.

What do you want to do, Taka, Grandson?

I hope you'll get a good job for you.

Do you like your new class, koharu,

What do you want to be, I wonder?

Enjoy studying astrophysics as long as you live,

I don't know how to thank my daughter's husband
for working hard to support his family.


I received a letter from Anne yesterday.

Anne is my dear American pen pal who lives
in Florida, USA.

We have been good friends since I was 13 years old,
which means for 62 years!

Your following words
almost made me cry, Anne:

We have been friends since childhood.
What a blessing you are to me.
I love you, dearly, dear Chie!

(Chie is karin's real name.)

I do like these wild plants.

walking downtown Tokyo

2017-04-09 12:33:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Mrs. M and I welcomed a friend of ours
from Niigata.

We, three ladies, met at the gate of Ryogoku Station.

First, we went to Edo-Tokyo Museum(江戸東京博物館)
to enjoy the Special Exhibition Edo and Beijing (江戸と北京)—
Edo and Beijing-Cities and Urban Life in the 18th Century.

The exhibition was an interesting comparison
of Edo and Beijing in the 18th century.

I didn't know why but I felt nostalgia.

We had a late lunch at a restaurant on the 7th floor.

(the view from the 7th floor)

(Do you see Tokyo Skytree?)

After lunch we walked to 隅田公園 in the misty rain.

A number of people were enjoying 桜まつり.

Then we visited 浅草寺.

仲見世 was so crowded that it was very difficult
to get there

Wherever we went, we saw a lot of tourists
from foreign countries.

I was glad they all looked to be enjoying Japan.

I had a nice day
with two of my friends.

Thank you so much, Ladies!

I walked 19218 steps in a day.