karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

harmonica mini-concert

2008-06-26 22:16:45 | ノンジャンル
Today we held an unofficial harmonica concert
at a community center.

We hold this kind of concert every three months.
I always get very nervous even at a small concert
like this.

I can't play the harmonica from memory.
I always need "gakufu" when I play the harmonica.

I know I have no ear for music.
I am happy I like playing the harmonica, though.

( kuchinashi I saw today )

koharu's biwa-tree

2008-06-23 23:00:29 | ノンジャンル
koharu's biwa-tree is 5 years old.

The tree was given to me by my friend.
I planted it in her garden. It was 20cm tall.
koharu was only three years old then.

The tree has grown to be much taller than I.

Today I was surprised to find that
the biwa-tree had produced its first fruit--
the only one orange biwa-no-mi.

koharu was excited to see the biwa-no-mi.
It was a small round fruit.

( today's sky )

akage-no Anne

2008-06-22 11:19:53 | ノンジャンル
Anne Shirley, akage-no Anne, makes me happy
whenever I meet her in the book Anne of Green Gables.

I've just finished reading---
chapter 12 A Solemn Vow and Promise.
I'll go on reading this original when I have time to read it.

I am interested in this book more than I expected.

( my nanten )

happy Sunday with koharu

2008-06-15 20:22:25 | ノンジャンル
Today koharu's parents had to go out by themselves.

So koharu and I decided to enjoy walking
to Koganei-koen park.

We started before eleven o'clock and came back
around two o'clock.

We ate onigiri for lunch.
koharu said, "How happy I am to have lunch outdoors!"

koharu said, "I like Koganei-koen so much,
because everybody here looks happy."

We played badminton in the green open space.
We played catch too.
(koharu wants to become good at making a good catch.)

What a happy Sunday! I thank you, koharu.

I walked 18377 steps today.
