karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

in Milano (1)

2006-01-29 00:59:44 | ノンジャンル
After enjoying lunch of spaghetti with nero di seppia (ika-sumi), our bus ran toward Milano--another long way to go of 277 kilometers. Milano was the last city for us to visit.

On the first day in Milano, I visited Lago di Come (Lake Come) in the morning. It was a very beautiful and calm lake. The water was deep blue. I enjoyed one-hour cruise on the lake. I took pictures from my window of the boat.

Many famous, rich people have their own villas here.

in Venezia (1)

2006-01-27 14:55:07 | ノンジャンル
On the fifth night in Italy I stayed at a hotel named HOLIDAY INN VENICE MESTRE. MARGHERA., ★★★ hotel.

It was the second best hotel of four hotels ( 7 nights ) where I stayed during my tour in Italy.

On the sixth day I enjoyed sightseeing in Venice. Venice reminded me an old English movie "Summertime." Japanese title "Ryojo."

" Oh, Katharine Hepburn fell in a certain canal in Venice where I am! She danced here, at Piazza San Marco! " I imagined.

I will never forget the outdoor cafe at Piazza San Marco.

I will never forget how sweet Cappuccino tasted there at Piazza San Marco.

I will never forget talking about the movie Summertime with
three people---at the outdoor cafe at Piazza San Marco.

(Piazza San Marco)