karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing


2014-12-29 12:07:00 | ノンジャンル
This is the end of the year 2014
and everybody is busy.

I've done everythig I expected to do.

Yesterday afternoon, I went to Tachikawa Cinema
to see a Japanese movie 「バンクーバーの朝日」.

I thougt there would be very few people going
to see movies at this time of year.

Oh, I was wrong!

The theater was full of people of different generations.

The movie 「バンクーバーの朝日」was a very
impressive movie.

I deeply thought about the hard days
of the Japanese settlers of Canada.

I can guess how much the baseball team‘Vancouver Asahi’
encouraged those sttlers of Canada.

Christmas lunch with my friends

2014-12-25 11:09:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, my friends and I had Christmas lunch
at 酢重ダイニング 新丸の内ビル店.

One of my friends took us there.
It was my first time to have lunch there.

What a fine view!

After lunch we walked to Ginza 8 cho-me.

We went to Gallery 美庵 to enjoy まゆちゃん's painting.

Please read the following site about まゆちゃん.


まゆちゃん's Mt. Fuji is so magnificent!

We, four ladies, were all deeply impressed by it.

Thank you so much, まゆちゃん!

Christmas family concert at church

2014-12-23 00:17:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I enjoyed Christmas family concert at church
with my friends.

It was held at the chapel of Kokubunji Community Church.

It was a charity concert.

The church collected donations for The Great East Japan
Earthquake and restoration of the chapel.

It was a hand bell concert by 明治学院中学校ハンドベルクワイア.

Their performance was wonderful.

What a good time we had!

work as a volunteer waitress

2014-12-18 23:58:00 | ノンジャンル
I have written about
one-coin café in the community before.
It is run by volunteers in the community.


I heard that the volunteers are decreasing gradually.

So I decided to work every Thursday afternoon
as a volunteer waitress at the café.

Last Thursday afternoon I first worked as a volunteer waitress.

Today it was my second time to work as a volunteer waitress.

When customers come into the café, I say ‘hello’ in a loud voice.
Then I go to them smiling and ask them what their order is.

(We serve coffee, English tea and green tea--- with a cookie.)

I hurriedly carry what they order to them.

I make coffee, English tea and green tea.
I wash up cups, saucers, glasses or teapots.

I have no time to sit in a chair.
I get quite tired.
But I enjoy this volunteer very much.

pay nursing home for the aged

2014-12-13 23:00:00 | ノンジャンル
It was snowy all day in Niigata, my hometown.

But what a beautiful Saturday here in Tokyo!

It was such a beautiful day that I walked to Kokubunji.

On the way I was called to stop by staff members
of a house type pay nursing home, 住宅型有料老人ホーム.

They invited me to their open house.

I was not busy, so I followed them and visited
the nursing home.


The 住宅型有料老人ホーム is carefully designed
for the aged.

It looked like a very good nursing home.

It was built in Feb. 2014.

I liked the 住宅型有料老人ホーム very much.

I wish I could live there when I become 75 years old.

But it is impossible for me to live there.
To live there needs a big money.

I can't afford the money for the 住宅型有料老人ホーム.

Yes, I think I'll live here (or in Niigata?) alone
as long as possible.