karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing


2009-12-30 00:04:00 | ノンジャンル
Do you play the game Monopoly?

koharu's family often play the game Monopoly
on Sundays when they are all at home.

(koharu is my granddaughter who is now 10 years old.)

koharu likes the game very much.

koharu is now making her own version of Monopoly.

koharu named the game KOHAPOLY;
koharu + Monopoly = KOHA・POLY.

koharu's family will enjoy the game KOHAPOLY
during the New Year holidays.

Me? Oh, I don't understand the rules of the game at all.
I can not join them, though they want me to.


The year will end tomorrow.

May the new year bring you
much joy and happiness
and be a very healthy one for you all.

Mt. Fuji and two lakes (5)

2009-12-27 11:53:00 | ノンジャンル
We had breakfast at a restaurant on the first floor.

The wind was strong.
The white clouds were playing with Mt. Fuji.

When I went back to my room, Mt. Fuji was smiling at me.

At the front of the hotel, I saw the bold outline of
mountains against the beautiful clear sky.

How wonderful to be alive!

We came back to Tokyo by Express Bus for Shinjuku.
Thank you very much for coming with me, M-san!

Mt. Fuji and two lakes (4)

2009-12-27 11:45:00 | ノンジャンル
Walking the long way to the hotel made me tired.
I suggested to her that we stay the night at Hotel Mt.Fuji.

I asked a clerk at the front desk if there was a room
available for the night.

He said, "Welcome, madam, we have a room for you.
It is on the sixth floor."

The room offered a wonderful view of Mt. Fuji.
The room overlooked Lake Yamanakako.

We enjoyed a hot spring bath.

Mt. Fuji and two lakes (3)

2009-12-27 11:30:00 | ノンジャンル
When we took a tea break in a restaurant, I asked a waitress
how far Lake Yamanakako was from there.

She was very kind and showed me how to go to Lake Yamanakako.
We decided to go and see Lake Yamanakako.

We hurried to Kawaguchiko-station.
We had to catch a local bus for Mishima.

After thirty minutes we left the bus at the bus stop
'Entrance to Hotel Mt. Fuji.'

Wow! What a large and calm lake!

"Where is Hotel Mt. Fuji?" I wondered.
I said to her, "Is that white building on the hill Hotel Mt. Fuji?
How about walking to that hotel and taking late lunch there?"

Ms M and I started to go up a gentle slope--gentle
but long, long slope.

After 30 minutes or so, I said, "Here we are!"

Mt. Fuji and two lakes (2)

2009-12-27 11:16:00 | ノンジャンル
I had reserved a room at the Hotel New Fuji in advance--
a room I could enjoy a view of Lake Kawaguchiko and Mt.Fuji.

Our room was on the top floor--7th floor.
How happy I was to enjoy such a beautiful views
from my room!

( at five o'clock in the evening )

( at half past eight in the morning )

We left the hotel at 10 o'clock and walked along Lake Kawaguchiko.
We crossed Kawaguchiko-Ohashi bridge and enjoyed walking
along another side of Lake Kawaguchiko.