karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing


2016-02-28 11:09:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I attended a lecture, Tokyo Metropolitan Government's
‘Omotenashi- volunteer.


I was given 外国人おもてなし語学ボランティア登録証
and a volunteer button on which written 'May I help you?'

The lecture was given by a Japanese instructor
who teaches at an English school.

60 people attended the lecture.
I took a seat in front of the instructor,
because I have weak eyes and ears.

The lecture lasted for nearly 4 hours.
We had a ten-minute break twice.

The lecture was very easy to understand.
I enjoyed both group talking and role playing.
I enjoyed talking with the instructor in English.

I had a very good time enjoying English.

A week has passed!

2016-02-23 21:56:00 | ノンジャンル
Time runs on.

It's already February 23.

It's a week since I enjoyed Picasso's exhibition
with my daughter.

My daughter has been very busy writing some papers
on physics .

She comes home from university late in the evening
but all I can do for her is to take the washing in
before it begins to rain.

Her son is also a university student and is already
in spring vacation.

He is planning to go on a short trip to America
with his own money earned by his part-time job.

Her daughter, koharu, is now a 1st year student
at high school.

She is busy playing the oboe in her brass band club.
Her brass band club will give a concert at the end
of March.

My daughter's husband is always busy at work
to support his family.

How was my week?

I've been busy too since I went to the exhibition
with my daughter.

To be exact, I have been trying to practice two things
「今日行く(きょういく)」 and 「今日用(きょうよう)」.

On Thursday I enjoyed working as a volunteer waitress
at the community café.

On Friday I enjoyed English conversation
at the community center.

On Saturday I had my hair cut and dyed at the beauty salon.

On Sunday I received an email from an Italian lady.
We spent one day together in Kawaguchiko
on September 27, 2014.
We have been good friends (email friends?) since then.


Wow! Her husband' company needs him in Brazil
and she will move to Brazil with her two sons,
who will go to English and Portuguese international
elementary school.

On Monday, yesterday, I met some of my good friends
and enjoyed talking both in English and in Japanese.
We laughed a lot.
They really are my dear friends in Tokyo.

I read the Asahi every day.
I listened to the radio English programs every day.
I read and studied English every day.

I walked more than 10000 steps every day.

I'm glad to say I spent a good week
as usual.

to Picasso exhibition

2016-02-17 22:51:00 | ノンジャンル
Today my daughter and I went to see
Picasso exhibition at 日本橋高島屋
department store.

We enjoyed Pablo Picasso's paintings,
sculptures, printmaking and ceramics---
all these works belong to Museum Ludwig
in Germany.(ドイツ・ルートヴィヒ美術館所蔵)

We saw a lot of Picasso's portraits too taken
by 10 famous photographers.

Oh, I liked Picasso's eyes in every photo!

His sparkling eyes told me that he was a man
of curiosity, courage and confidence.

He was a humorous person, wasn't he?

How interested I am in Picasso!

I'd like to know much more about Pablo Picasso.

I know I do not comprehend art.

But Pablo Picasso's works made me really happy.

My daughter and I had a late lunch at a restaurant
資生堂パーラー in 日本橋高島屋.

I ordered 小海老ドリア.

My daughter said to me, “I'm so glad you have
a good appetite, Mother. You are fully recovered.”

What a wonderful day!
Thank you, dear Daughter.

Ume-festival at Koganei Park

2016-02-11 15:59:00 | ノンジャンル
It is National Foundation Day today.
According to TV news, it is a lovely day
almost all over Japan.

The news made me happy.

Yes, here in Tokyo, I'm enjoying beautiful weather.

I've just been to Koganei Park on foot.
Wow! Ume- festival is going on there.

There are about 100 Ume trees.

They are not at their best yet
but how sweet Ume flowers smell!

I bought a box ofたこやき here.

I ate たこやき for lunch viewing Ume flowers.

How happy I am!

I came back to my apartment around 1:00 p.m.

I walked 13973 steps.

to Shinjuku

2016-02-07 23:00:00 | ノンジャンル
Today, I went to Shinjuku with山口宏子-san,
a member of 能楽写真家協会.

We enjoyed the performance of「朗読と笛の会」
at a small private hall which can hold about 40 people.

Three people recited 「闇笛」by 村松友視, 「鶴の笛」
by 林芙美子 and 「姫椿」by 浅田次郎.

Noh 笛方 played the Noh flute, 能管.

Their reading voice rang resonantly in the hall.
The Noh flute was impressive.

It was my first time to attend this kind of performance.
I was very interested in it.

Before going to the hall, we had lunch at 椿屋珈琲店
near the hall. I liked the coffee shop very much.

After enjoying the performance at the hall,
we walked in Shinjuku Gyoen.

Blue skies!
Fresh air!
Happy people!

I felt wonderfully relaxed
in Shinjuku Gyoen.

I had a very good Sunday.
Thank you so much, Yamaguchi-san!