karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

two days in Gold Coast City

2007-07-30 00:13:00 | ノンジャンル
First, I rode an amphibious vehicle "Adventure Duck."
It was able to move on land and water.

I enjoyed traveling the Gold Coasts' roads
with "Adventure Duck."
I got excited at a great splash when "Adventure Duck"
got into the water.

Gold Coast is famous for its SURFERS PARADISE.
It is famous for its World Heritage National Park--
Lamington National Park. It is the largest preserved
subtropical rainforest in Australia.

There were easy walking tracks throughout the park.
I enjoyed walking along some of them.
I was surprised to see colorful birds, too.

I spent most of my free time on its beautiful, long sandy beach
near the hotel where we stayed.

As it was winter, the beach was not crowded.
I was surprised some people were swimming in the sea.
I asked one of them if the water was not cold.
He said, "Oh, very lovely. It's warm."

I was never tired of watching the sea spreading out before me.
I was alone but not so lonely.

( from "Adventure Duck"--in the evening )

( from my room of the hotel--in the morning )

to Brisbane

2007-07-29 18:57:55 | ノンジャンル
On the morning of July 24, I got up at five and left
the hotel at 7:00 to go to Sydney Domestic Airport.

We were going to Brisbane by plane.
Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland.

Unfortunately, it began to rain when we arrived
at Brisbane Airport.

But water was running out in Brisbane and so
it was really welcome rain for people there.
In the rain we went through the city by bus.

When we got to the top of Mt. Coot-tha,
it was still raining a little. I was sorry I could not
get a fine view of the city of Brisbane.

Next we visited Paradise Country, Aussie Farm attractions.
Wow! The rain had stopped falling by then.

I had a BBQ lunch there. Then I strolled the enclosure
by myself to see koalas, kangaroos or emus.

I also enjoyed the Sheep Shearing Show.