karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

our community café is 5 years old

2019-01-29 21:14:00 | ノンジャンル
Time really flies.

Five years have passed
since the one-coin café was opened
in the community on Jan.28, 2014.

It is run by volunteers.

Oh, I used to work here every Thursday
afternoon as a volunteer waitress---
for one year and a half.

You can drink coffee, green tea or
English tea for 100 yen.

The café is loved by us elderly people.

My apartment is located near the café
and I go there alone a few times a week.

I enjoy talking with people in the community.

Some are older than I--in their eighties.
Others are in their seventies.

I'm often inspired by their way of life.


They remind me of the poem YOUTH
by an American poet, Samuel Ullman.

The first part of the poem is---

Youth is not a time of life---it is a state of mind;
it is a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination,
a vigor of the emotions, a predominance of courage
over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over love of ease.


the air is too dry!

2019-01-24 23:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Here in Tokyo,
I enjoy a blue sky every day.

I feel as if we were in spring.

The cold wind is blowing hard
and I know it is winter now.

We have had little rain.

The air is extremely dry.

Many people have influenza.

Many schools and classes are closed, I hear.

This is the entrance exam season.

I hope students studying for the exams
do not have influenza.

I walked to Koganei Park last Sunday.

Ume梅 has just opened!

a radio program brings back memories

2019-01-18 22:31:00 | ノンジャンル
Every morning I have breakfast
listening to the radio.

This morning I heard an announcer
talking about Mt. Kintoki,
金時山, which is 1213 meters high.

You can see beautiful Mt. Fuji
from the top of Mt. Kintoki.

The talk on the radio
brought back memories!

Mt. Kintoki was a far difficult mountain
to climb than I had expected.

I climbed Mt. Kintoki in 2007
with my blog friends—
chiecom-san, maron-san
and Mr.& Mrs. Yuka-dan.

How have you been,
ladies and gentlemen?

Oh, I miss you all so much!

January 11, 2019

2019-01-11 21:15:00 | ノンジャンル
It's Friday today.

We had our Friday English Class
at 公民館.

Our American teacher is enjoying
the New Year holidays in Thailand.

Our teacher was absent
but we got together.

First we studied English by ourselves
and then enjoyed talking in Japanese.

One of our members prepared
a question paper.

(   )に適切な一語を入れましょう。

I can't eat things that are too (h    ).

He (p    ) the money he found.

I want to fix my (p    ).

She (a     ) all cute when a guy's around.

Stop (b      ) your leg.

How pleasant! We laughed a lot.

(hot) (pocketed) (posture) (acts) (bouncing)


Today is your 79th birthday, Darling!

Feel easy about our only daughter.

She lives happily
with her beloved husband
and their two children.

I miss you so much, Darling!

the year of 1964

2019-01-07 21:42:00 | ノンジャンル
I have been a longtime fan of
NHK TV 大河ドラマ show
on Sundays.

Last night, いだてん
~東京オリムピック噺~ started!

The show will tell me
how the 1964 Summer Olympics
came to be held in Tokyo, Japan.

I'm not going to tell about the TV show

Watching the TV show いだてん、
I was thinking of the year 1964.

I was then a senior at Niigata University.

At the beginning of June, 1964,
新潟国体 was held in Niigata City.

On June 16, 1964, 新潟地震(M7.5)
occurred, which caused a great suffering.

I was doing practice teaching
at a junior high school that day.

The whole city was
plunged into chaos.

We could not study at university
and we had a long summer vacation.

After the summer vacation,
I did practice teaching
at a senior high school.

On October 10,
The 1964 Summer

was held in Tokyo.

The opening ceremony was
on October 10.

The closing ceremony was
on October 24.

I was sorry I had no chances to go to
Tokyo to enjoy the Olympic Games.

I watched the opening and closing ceremonies
on TV with my lodging house landlady.

In the 大河ドラマ「いだてん」
the year 1964 is a long, long time ago—
the distant past...

But, for me,
the past always lives
in the present.

(at 4:30, this evening)