karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

koharu's bad fever

2008-09-26 22:42:23 | ノンジャンル
Early yesterday morning, I had a call from my daughter.

koharu had a very bad fever.
I hurried to my daughter's house to take care of koharu.

Yesterday koharu had a fever of 39 to 40 degrees
--no coughing nor runny nose.
koharu's fever stayed high all day.
koharu was burning with fever.

Today koharu's fever went down to 36.9 degrees.
koharu was getting better. What a relief!

koharu talked a lot.
koharu laughed a lot.
koharu ate more than yesterday.

koharu is expecting to join undou-kai (field day)
at her school tomorrow.

koharu wants us to watch her dance--eisa.
koharu hopes she will be all right tomorrow.

( blue skies I saw with koharu on Wednesday )

o-higan and o-hagi

2008-09-23 21:27:13 | ノンジャンル
Today is o-higan, Autumn Equinox Day.

I remember my mother used to cook o-hagi for us.
Yes, her o-hagi was very delicious.

When I was in Niigata, a friend of mine always cooked
o-hagi for me.

She was very good at cooking.
She was always so kind as to help me when I had
no appetite and could not cook for my daughter.

I used to put her o-hagi on my altar.
o-hagi was my husband's favorite!

Oh, how much I miss them all!

( tamagawa-josui, today )