karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

it's snowing now in Tokyo!

2020-03-29 09:55:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, it was very hot in the daytime
and sweat came out on my forehead.

Was it because I was wearing a mask?
Anyway,I felt as if we were in early summer.

To my surprise,it has been snowing
since early this morning!

I've just been to the supermarket.
It is snowing hard and fast.
It was hard to walk on the snow.

But I was enjoying the snow on my face.
Oh, my dear old hometown in the snow country!

(written at 10, this morning)

happy birthday dinner

2020-03-16 20:34:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday we had a birthday dinner
to celebrate the birthdays of my daughter
and her son----a joint birthday party.

My daughter was born on March 11.
My daughter's son was born on March 24.

koharu came home from Sapporo.
How happy I felt that the whole family
got together!

We sang a birthday song looking at
a candle-lit birthday cake.

The cake tasted delicious.

海鮮鍋 was excellently prepared
by my daughter's husband.

How delicious!

We had a happy birthday dinner
talking and laughing a lot.

(tamagawa-josui, sakura)

Happy Birthday, Daughter!

2020-03-11 08:53:00 | ノンジャンル
It's your 52nd birthday today.

How happy I am to celebrate your birthday!

I'm glad you are loved so much
by your husband and two children.

I'm glad you are enjoying your life to the full.

You are so happy, aren't you?


Congratulations on getting a master's degree
(修士の学位)in astrophysics (宇宙物理学).

You say you are planning to study mathematics
this year to keep studying astrophysics
much further.

We, your family and I, always support you!

today's flower

2020-03-05 23:25:00 | ノンジャンル
On the way back to my apartment,
an old lady, who was taking care of
her flower bed, talked to me
in a gentle voice.

I thought she was a little older than I.

“Hi, look at these lovely flowers of mine,

I like this flower so much.
I like its color.
I like the way it blooms.
It blooms sweetly and vigorously.

For me, raising flowers is something to live for.”

What a kind and cheerful lady she was!

Talking with her made me happy and cheerful.

I had a good day, Lady!