karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

family concert

2007-01-29 11:11:09 | ノンジャンル
koharu and her brother take music lessons at JOY MUSIC.
koharu learns the piano and her brother learns the drum.

JOY MUSIC holds two concerts every year.
One is a classical music concert in summer.
The other is a family concert in winter.

Yesterday the family concert was held in Kunitachi.
koharu and her father played "You Are My Sunshine,"
koharu on the piano and her father on the saxophone.

koharu's brother was a good drummer. He played
"Watermelon Man" with his father's saxophone and
his mother & sister's piano.
I enjoyed their music very much.

It's so nice for all the members of a family enjoy
the same music, each playing his/her musical instrument.

I was surprised ume was in full bloom in Kunitachi.

(Thank you, teachers!)

(They are playing Watermelon Man--
pictures are allowed without flash)

detox foot bath (1)

2007-01-25 22:26:51 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to Komae City. It was my first visit to the city. I changed cars at Kokubunji Station , next at Tachikawa Station, then at Noborito Station and I arrived at Izumi-tamagawa Station at last.

A salon was just opened there yesterday. I was going to the salon to have a mystical experience. It was a salon of Detox Foot Bath Salon. The salon was carefully and beautifully designed by chiecom-san.

I put my feet in warm water, sat back and relax for 30 minutes. " It needs 30 minutes for the machine completes its cycle. The machine uses brass and stainless steel electrodes," they said.

The color of water was gradually changing! It turned brown. Did I have something wrong with my liver? Did the water combine with some substances from my soles? I didn't know why. Yes, my legs and feet felt very light. I felt so comfortable. I was full of energy.

So I decided to walk to Noborito Station, not to Izumi-tamagawa Station. I walked and walked on the bank of Tama-gawa River. I saw beautiful pine trees named 'goyou-matsu.' They are very famous pine trees, I hear.

I went over a bridge. I saw many boats on the river. Were they fishing boats? I went on and on. Alas! I got lost again. Which way should I go? I saw Many cars running but no one walking.

Finally I saw an old gentleman doing some exercises. He showed me the way to Noborito Station. What a relief! I managed to arrive at the station.

I was a bold adventurer--only yesterday.

blue skies

2007-01-22 22:01:29 | ノンジャンル
It was cloudy in the morning
but the weather began to clear around noon.

After lunch I decided to walk to Musashi-koganei

I took another way to the station, which I had never
taken before. I was completely got lost and enjoyed
being a stranger.

On my way home, I bought five plain notebooks for koharu
to draw pictures.

koharu looked greatly pleased with those notebooks.

(hanabira town by koharu)


2007-01-19 23:07:26 | ノンジャンル
Tomorrow is 'daikan,' the coldest season of the year.
But I feel as if we were now in spring.

Today I enjoyed playing cards Uno
with my grandchildren. We played Uno twice.

In the first game koharu was the first winner.
In the second game I was the first winner.

I spent a most agreeable time at their home.

(today's tamagawa-josui)