karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Mt. Fuji and Kawaguchi-ko

2008-11-30 23:39:50 | ノンジャンル
I got up a little late this morning.
Wow! It was such a lovely day!

I decided to go to Kawaguchi-ko at once.
I wanted to see that glorious mountain--Mt. Fuji.

I left my apartment at 9:00, hurried to the nearest
station and changed trains at Kokubunji,Takao and Otsuki.

It was after noon when I arrived at Kawaguchi-ko Station.

First I took a ropeway named Mt. Kachi Kachi Ropeway
and went to a hill with a wonderful view of Mt. Fuji.

After that I went to Fuji Lakeside Hotel
and enjoyed some cake and tea watching Kawaguchi-ko.

I had a blissfully happy day.

after the rain

2008-11-28 21:38:40 | ノンジャンル
It seemed to have rained steadily all night long.

Early this morning I saw some pools
when I was going to the community center.

I do love to look at skies, trees, or flowers
reflected in the pool.

I feel as if I were stepping into another world
while looking into the pool.

hamster, koharu's pet

2008-11-25 22:17:58 | ノンジャンル
koharu has a hamster as a pet.
The she-hamster was born in August.
koharu bought it last month, in October
and named her Kan-na from Kan-na-zuki.

koharu must have studied hard about hamsters.
She knows anything about her hamster.

koharu had no school today.
koharu and I spent a happy day, drawing pictures,
playing badminton, playing the piano and talking a lot.

koharu did her exercise in arithmetic and I read
Chicken Soup.
koharu was learning about "square measure."
I told her not to ask me any questions about arithmetic.

koharu and I had pizza for lunch.
koharu had a good appetite.
koharu is really growing.

Route 66

2008-11-22 23:34:23 | ノンジャンル
koharu had school today though it is Saturday.
She will have no school on Tuesday.

Today koharu's family had a birthday party for me.
On the birthday cake were two candles of the number 6.
Yes, I am 66.

The number 66 reminds me of US Route 66.
How I wished to visit America and travel
from LA to Chicago on Route 66!

It has been one of my dreams since my school days.
I have never been to America.

Am I strong enough to drive from LA to Chicago?
I'm afraid I'm not.

( hanamizuki I saw today )