karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Showa Kinen Park in spring 2014 (3)

2014-04-30 12:26:00 | ノンジャンル
On my way back I enjoyed 猿回し.

The monkey was very clever and funny.

How lovely poppies were!

A lot of people were enjoying picnic lunch in みなの原っぱ.


Near the 立川 Exit I enjoyed a field concert.

I went back to Kokubunji Station around 2:00 pm.
I went to my favorite restaurant and had lunch.
I am glad my appetite is improving.

I had a very good day.

I walked 18632 steps in a day.

By the way, I’m going home to Niigata tomorrow---
if I am in good condition.

Hoping to see you in May.

Showa Kinen Park in spring 2014 (1)

2014-04-30 12:03:00 | ノンジャンル
I woke up to find myself feeling better yesterday morning.
It was cloudy, not rainy!

I said to myself, ”This is the last chance to see those
beautiful tulips in Showa Kinen Park this year.
Hurry up, karin. Go and see those tulips!”

I went to Tachikawa by train and walked to Showa Kinen Park.

I had forgotten it was a national holiday.
There was a notice--Admission Free.

Wisteria was beautiful. I love its light purple.

Azaleas were beautiful too.

How peaceful 水鳥の池 looked!

Vienna Boys' Choir 「ウイーン少年合唱団」

2014-04-27 19:15:00 | ノンジャンル
I've just come back from ‘Vienna Boys' Choir Concert’
held at ルネこだいら.

I attended the concert with my daughter and granddaughter.

25 choristers between the ages of ten and fourteen came
to Japan from Vienna .

One of them was a Japanese boy.

They looked childlike.
They looked innocent.

How beautiful, clear and resonant their voices were!

I didn't know why, but tears came to my eyes
every now and then.

They sang 4 Japanese songs too:「花は咲く」「ふるさと」

I had a happy and wonderful time today.

movie, 「相棒-劇場版Ⅲ-」

2014-04-27 10:21:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to a movie theatre in Tachikawa City
and watched the movie AIBOU Ⅲ.

I am a fan of the TV drama 「相棒」, whose “season 12”
just ended in March.
I'm looking forward to “season 13”.

In the movie AIBOU Ⅲ, there appeared words such as
terrorism, terrorist, biological weapon, militia (民兵)、
the Self-Defense Forces, etc.

The movie was full of suspense.

杉下右京, acted by 水谷 豊, revealed the secret and
solved mysteries.

I was irresistibly drawn into the movie.

I enjoyed the movie a lot.