karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on July 30, 2021

2021-07-30 20:18:00 | ノンジャンル
How long does this summer heat last?

Today's weather was very changeable.

In the morning, it was cloudy—-
sometimes sunny.

Around noon, there was a severe thunderstorm.

In the afternoon, the sun appeared again
from behind the clouds. It became hot again!


I visited Mai-chan's mother and said
congratulations on Mai-chan's taking
the fifth place in 個人総合第5位---
the best record in the history of
Women's Artistic Gymnastics of Japan.

You made it, Mai-chan!

Do your best
in Floor Exercises on Aug. 2.

Good luck, Mai-chan!

=== 追記 ===


東京オリンピック・体操女子 種目別 ゆか 銅メダル獲得


on July 25, 2021

2021-07-25 13:29:00 | ノンジャンル
I've just been to the beauty salon
to have my hair cut and colored.

I had my hair cut shorter than usual.
I felt refreshed.

How do you think about hair-coloring?

I know I'm a gray-haired old woman
but I have my hair colored black.

I wonder
when to stop hair-coloring


By the way,
my hairdresser is Mai-chan's mother.

Mai-chan, 村上茉愛, is a member of
gymnastics at the Tokyo Olympics 2020.

I hope
she will do her best.

on July 16, 2021

2021-07-16 19:59:00 | ノンジャンル
It's Friday and I attended
Friday English Class at Kominkan.

We used to have three classes a month.

But now we have only two classes a month
since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out.

Our American teacher went back to America.

Today we welcomed our new teacher.

She looked very young, probably in her thirties.

And we enjoyed her first class.

I expected we would first introduce ourselves
to her in English----but NO INTRODUCTION!

She handed out some sheets of papers to us
and asked us some questions in English.

Sorry to say, I found it a bit difficult
to understand her English.

I hope I'll soon
get used to her accent.(口調)

on July 10, 2021

2021-07-10 10:47:00 | ノンジャンル
The fourth Declaration of the State of Emergency
(4回目の緊急事態宣言) is to be issued in Tokyo
on July 12, which will continue until Aug.22.

I heartily hope this declaration will work better
and stop the COVID-19 pandemic.

The coronavirus doesn't go down in Tokyo,
so I'm worried about Tokyo Olympics.

I'm relieved that officials have decided
to hold the Games without spectators.

But still I wonder what will happen in Tokyo
after the Games.

Explosive increase of people infected
with the COVID-19?

Oh, NO!