karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

movie, 「王妃の館」

2015-04-29 23:27:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went to Tachikawa Cinema to see
a Japanese movie 「王妃の館」.

It is a movie starring 水谷 豊.

To tell the truth, I am a fan of his TV drama 「相棒」.

The movie is based on the novel written by 浅田 次郎.

I've not read the novel 王妃の館 yet.

The story is set in Paris.

A lot of scenes were shot in Paris---
in Palace of Versailles and Louvre Museum.

The movie kept me in suspense.

The movie drew a laugh and tears.

I felt as if I were enjoying Performing Art.

Yes, I greatly enjoyed the movie.

to two exhibitions of photos

2015-04-26 10:56:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday YI-san and I went downtown in Tokyo
to enjoy two exhibitions of photos.

First, we went to Yotsuya and enjoyed photos of
natural scenic beauties.

Three photos of 山口宏子-san, a member of
能楽写真家協会, were exhibited there.

Oh, how beautiful Nature is!

I remembered those days when I went to 乗鞍, 尾瀬、
上高地, etc.

Then we went to Shinjuku.

My friend YI-san knows Shinjuku very well
and I followed her.

We enjoyed 福島博子-san's individual show.

Every one of her photos told me
how precious our daily life is.

Our life is the continuity of our daily life,
I think.

Her photos were all so touching.

I knew she and I are the same age.

Your mother is really great, 笑子-san!

笑子-san’s blog is—


YI-san and I had a very good day.
Thank you so much, YI-san.

sunny and warm day

2015-04-23 11:15:00 | ノンジャンル
It's so sunny and warm today.

There's no breath of wind.

I feel good this morning.

My daughter, who is 47 years old, has started
her new life as a 3rd year university student.

Her daughter, koharu, has started her new life
as a 1st year high school student.

Her son, my grandson, is now a second year
university student.

And my daughter's husband works hard
to support his family.

My daughter's family are all very busy.

I make it a rule to go to her house twice a day---
first around 10:00 a.m. to be sure to lock the doors
and then around 4:00 p.m. to take the washing in.

I'm thankful to be very busy every day.

(in my neighborhood, today)

my favorite radio program 音楽の泉

2015-04-19 09:46:00 | ノンジャンル
My favorite radio program on Sunday is
It starts at 8:05 a.m. and ends at 8:55a.m.

How long have I been listening to this radio program—
over 50 years or so?

I have breakfast listening to this program on Sundays.
Today's music is

I know I have no ear for music.
But I do love music!

This program 音楽の泉 makes me peaceful,
whatever music it provides..

This program 音楽の泉 makes me feel I'm all right
and encourages me to live every day of my life.

Oh, I remember again Robert Browning's poem

The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven—
All's right with the world!

春 の 朝 ・・・上田 敏 訳

to Tokyo Gakugei University

2015-04-15 23:09:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went to Tokyo Gakugei University
to get a brochure on its extension lectures 2015.

It is located in Koganei City next to Kodaira City.

It's about 30 minutes' walk from my apartment
but I went there by bus today.

There are 42 extension lectures this year.
I'm planning to apply for some of these lectures.

I had lunch at Students' Cafeteria.

The cafeteria was full of young boys and girls.
They looked like freshmen or sophomores.

I felt as if I myself were a university student.
When I was a student at university,
I used to take my meals at Students' Cafeteria.
Oh, my good old days!

By the way, what shall I do?
I looked for a seat with my tray of かき揚げそば
in hands. It cost 360 yen.

I said to two boys in English, ”Can I join you?”

One of them said, “Sure.”
We enjoyed talking in English.

They were first year students majoring linguistics 言語学.
They looked happy to be university students.

In front of the cafeteria, the performance started
in order to invite freshmen to circle activities.

Now I’m looking for the exit.
Oh, where is the exit?
I have no sense of direction.

I asked a young gentleman nearby
which way I should go.
He was so kind as to take me to the exit.
(Did I look that old?)
I spoke to him in English and he spoke both in English
and Japanese.
He gave me his calling card, saying good-bye.
The card said he was an associate professor
at Tokyo Gakugei University.

It's nice to be among young people.