karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

blue skies at 6:45 p.m.

2013-06-28 10:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Though we are in the rainy season,
we had nice weather here in Tokyo yesterday.

When I was coming back to my apartment
I stopped to look at the sky.

It was a quarter to seven in the evening
but the sky was so blue!

He is in the skies.
How are you doing there, dear?
Our daughter, her family and I are all fine.

I’m thinking of you, dear.
I really miss you.

movie 「奇跡のリンゴ」

2013-06-25 23:00:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went to Fuchu City by bus
and saw a Japanese movie 「奇跡のリンゴ」.

This movie is based on a true story.

It is a story of Mr. Akinori Kimura.
He is an apple farmer in Aomori.

He and his family endured hardship patiently for years
and finally succeeded in raising chemical-free apples.

How many times did I brush the tears away?
Yes, I was touched to tears by the movie.

After the movie, I visited Ōkunitama Shrine (大國魂神社).

First I cleansed my hands.
Then I went through 茅の輪.

I prayed silently at the main shrine.

I enjoyed walking about thirty minutes
along the 国分寺街道 and then took a bus.

I saw my favorite flower くちなしon the way back.

I walked 14172 steps in a day.

climbing Mt. Kagenobu

2013-06-18 22:49:00 | ノンジャンル
Today two of my high school classmates took me
to Mt. Kagenobu, which is 727 meters high.

It is three years since I climbed Mt.Kagenobu last.

We met at 9:00 at Takao Station.
We took a bus for Kobotoke.


This is the shortest route to the top of Mt. Kagenobu.
It means I must go up a steep forest trail.

The trail was very slippery because it had been raining
for days.

I reached the top of Mt. Kagenobu, anyway.

It was cloudy today and I could not see a clear view
but I was so happy.

Oh, I could come back to Mt. Kagenobu!

Thank you, S-san and K-san.

I walked 19712 steps in a day.

changeable weather

2013-06-14 23:07:00 | ノンジャンル
It was raining in the morning.
I went to the community center to attend
Friday English Class.

(on the way to Friday English Class )

It kept raining lightly until noon.

When I went shopping at a supermarket,
I was so glad to see blue skies I had not seen
since Monday.

But the rain was drizzling down when I was walking
to my apartment.

I know many of you may be hesitating to go out
in the daytime because of the boiling heat.

Although this is the rainy season, we have little rain.
I'm afraid we'll be short of water this summer.