karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Labor Thanksgiving Day

2018-11-23 17:49:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, what a beautiful day!

The autumn wind drifted the fallen leaves.

I went to my daughter’s house
earlier than usual
walking along Tamagawa-josui.

I walked on the fallen leaves
with a happy heart.

The 31st Amaryllis Annual Autumn Concert
is held at 府中の森芸術劇場ウイーンホール

My daughter and her husband will play
the saxophone at the concert.

I’ve decided to stay at home.

I hope they will enjoy playing the saxophone
on the stage of their favorite concert hall.

the mother is strong

2018-11-20 23:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I was in a line of people
waiting for my bus to Kodaira.

I was on my way home.

I saw a young lady holding a baby
to her bosom and pushing a buggy
with another baby in.

How strong MOTHER is!

She was a foreigner.
She wore a hijab. ヒジャーブ.

She seemed to find it difficult
to get into the bus with her two babies,
one in her bosom and the other in the buggy.

I rushed to her and helped her board the bus.

She said “Than you so much.” in Japanese.

I asked her in Japanese where she came from.

She said she was from Pakistan.

I encouraged her saying—

She said—

Of course, I helped her get out of the bus.

Good luck,
Pakistani Lady!

Thank you, Anne, my dear pen pal!

2018-11-15 11:45:00 | ノンジャンル
I received a birthday card
from my pen pal in Florida, USA.

Yes, we have been pen pals for 63 years.

I'll be 76 years old on November 17.

She writes—
I am praying your special day and year
to follow will bring much joy, happiness
and good health.

Thank you so much for your kind words,

I'll write to you as soon as possible.


Anne writes---
I have been a hermit lately.

Oh, how lonely she feels!

If only I could fly
to Anne!

leaves of ginkgoes

2018-11-10 13:14:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday it was raining all day.

Today I'm enjoying a beautiful clear
autumn day again.

How changeable autumn weather is!

This morning I took a walk along a row
of ginkgoes near my apartment.

The leaves of ginkgoes are falling
in the crisp breeze.

Every autumn the falling ginkgo leaves
remind me of a tanka by 与謝野晶子---


What a nostalgic memory
of my high school days!

We're now in the best part of autumn.

Mai-chan, you made it!

2018-11-04 10:15:00 | ノンジャンル
a silver medal in Women's All-Around Final
of the Gymnastics World Championships.


Mai-chan was awarded a bronze medal
in Women's Floor Final.


She tried her hardest in spite of injuring
her right ankle this summer.
She survived her injury.

You did make it, Mai-chan!
You've excited me.
You've made my heart beat faster.

Oh, Mai-chan, you've made me so happy.

Your mother is now on the plane for Tokyo.

She sent me an email written at the airport
in Doha this morning, saying—


Your mother should
be proud of you,