karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

carp streamers

2005-05-05 11:03:49 | ノンジャンル
Today is Children's Day in Japan.

The radio said this morning that this national holiday started in 1948 as a festive day to celebrate our children's good health and growth and to thank for mothers for raising their children.

When I was a young girl, I used to see a number of carp streamers fluttering in the breeze. But now I see only a few carp streamers outdoors around here. How about your area? Do you see a lot of carp streamers?

I know some groups who ask people to give them their old carp streamers which are not hoisted by their owners, because their children have already grown up.

Then those group members hoist a number of carp streamers given to them along the river side. The view is absolutely spectacular but it has become something like an entertainment.

I'd like to see carp streamers fluttering over the roof of each house. I hope to pass the tradition down from generation to generation.