karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

movie “To You, あなたへ”

2012-08-28 10:49:00 | ノンジャンル
The day before yesterday I went
to Tachikawa Cinema City
and watched the movie 「あなたへ」.

The leading actor is 高倉 健
and the director is 降旗 康男.

It is eleven years since I saw 高倉 健 
in the movie 「ホタル」or 「鉄道員」.

I was surprised he is now 81 years old.
He looked as young as he used to be in the movie 「ホタル」.

The movie shows hero's ten days' journey from Toyama
to Hirado in Nagasaki---富山~飛騨高山~大阪~瀬戸内~

薄香 in Hirado, the fishing port, is his destination.

Why does he go there?
Please watch the movie.

It is not an exciting movie.
It is not an action movie.
It is not an emotional movie.
It is a road movie.

The movie is full of love for human beings.

Life is often compared to a journey.

I'm looking forward to meeting many people
or having many experiences until my journey
comes to an end.

today's sky

2012-08-25 16:16:00 | ノンジャンル
August 7 was 立秋、the first day of autumn.
but the summer heat was increasing.

August 23 was 処暑,
but the summer heat did not break at all.

Is autumn approaching?


The weatherman forecasts
that we'll have to bear this blazing heat
for two more weeks.

Today's sky shows we are now in high summer.

I'm feeling the heat too much
but I like today's sky very much.

11 days in Niigata

2012-08-22 12:18:00 | ノンジャンル
I came back to Tokyo last evening.
I've never stayed in Niigata longer than this time
since I came to live in Tokyo.

This time I had many things to do in Niigata.
I stayed in Tochio, my birthplace, three days.

Before visiting my parents' grave, the Shinto-ceremony
of the first anniversary of my younger brother's
and his wife's death.
I missed them very much. I felt so lonely.

After visiting my parents' grave, I went to Niigata City,
where my house is.

I took a local, not the Shinkan-sen.
It took me 75 minutes from Nagaoka Station to Niigata Station.
If you take Shinkan-sen, it takes you only 20 minutes.

My neighbors in Niigata welcomed me so kindly.
They always watch my house where nobody lives.
I don't know how to express my thanks.

I visited my husband's grave.
Oh, he has been sleeping here for 38 years and 5 months!

I can’t believe such a long time has passed since he said
to my daughter and me, " See you tomorrow(じゃ、また明日)."
“tomorrow” did not come.

I asked the 浄土真宗 priest to come to my house to chant
a sutra (読経).

During my stay in Niigata I was happy to see my good old friends.
I enjoyed talking and eating with them.

One of my friends invited me to 田圃花火大会.
I enjoyed the fireworks on the balcony of her house.
The fireworks reminded me of my childhood.

In the evening I often went to the beach—
ten minutes’ walk from my house.

The sea was completely calm.
Watching the sea always makes me calm.

I had a very good time in Niigata.

(Niigata City from the Observatory Deck of Hotel Nikko)

(to the beach)

(on the beach)

going home, to Niigata

2012-08-11 10:18:00 | ノンジャンル
The season for the Bon Festival has come around again.

I'm going home to Niigata this afternoon.
First, I'm going to my hometown to visit my parents' grave.

Then, I'm going to my house in Niigata City and visit
my dear husband's grave.

I'm surre they are all coming back from the other world
to see me.

See you again.

brass band competition

2012-08-09 20:45:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday koharu’s brass band club members
entered the competition

第52回東京都中学校 吹奏楽コンクール.

They played 火の伝説 composed
by Mr. 櫛田てつ之扶.

They won
「金賞」in B group!

They were excited and crying for joy.

koharu, my 13-year- old granddaughter,
played the oboe.

You made it, koharu!

Thank you so much for directing them
to try their hardest, Ms. Teacher!