karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on the last day of the Heisei Period

2019-04-30 09:47:00 | ノンジャンル
It is Tuesday, April 30, 2019 today.

It is the last day of the Heisei Period.

平成時代 started on Sunday,
January 8th, 1989.

The Reiwa Period (令和時代)is going
to start tomorrow on May 1st, 2019.

My heart is full
when I think of what happened
during the latter half of the Showa Period
and the Heisei Period.

I really hope everybody will be happy
in the Reiwa Period. (令和時代)

(today's photos, this morning)


too hot for spring

2019-04-23 20:43:00 | ノンジャンル
Spring flowers are at their best.
I am enjoying spring to the full.

How I wish for the soft, warm
spring sunshine!

It has been so hot for spring
these days.

Many of elementary school children
wear short-sleeved shirt for summer.

I have changed my clothes for summer.

Summer is rapidly approaching, isn't it?

I'm afraid if I can get through the summer.

Summer is my worst time of year.

(in my neighborhood--春の小川)

♪春の小川は さらさら行くよ
岸のすみれや れんげの花に
すがたやさしく 色うつくしく
咲けよ咲けよと ささやきながら♪

the Notre Dame Cathedral fire

2019-04-18 13:11:00 | ノンジャンル
I was deeply shocked
at the destructive fire
at the Notre Dame Cathedral.

A lot of people or business corporations
all over the world are donating toward
the renovation of the Notre Dame Cathedral
in Paris.

I learned of the name of
the Notre Dame Cathedral
when I read a book『ノートルダムのせむし男』
written by ヴィクトル・ユーゴー.

I don't remember how old I was then but
I remember borrowing the book
form my elementary school library.

I remember the names 「ノートルダム」and
「ヴィクトル・ユーゴー」but I don't remember
the story of 『ノートルダムのせむし男』.

9 years ago, I went to Paris and visited
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.

I shall never forget
its beautiful Gothic architecture
nor the beautiful windows or its sculptural
decoration inside.

I hope the Notre Dame Cathedral will be
restored as what it used to be.

(9 years ago, in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral)

afternoon concert

2019-04-13 20:19:00 | ノンジャンル
On Wednesdays, we, 4 ladies ,
get together at a community center
and enjoy learning English.

But on April 10, we cancelled English
learning and went to Rune Kodaira
ルネ小平, a concert hall, to enjoy
‘Afternoon Concert. Vol.41’

The concert was titled

The three players were all young ladies.

Their gentle tones and music brought
me back to my old days!


シルクロード・・・ 喜多郎
スーホの白い馬 ・・・ チ・ボラグ
シェリトリンド ・・・ メキシコ民謡
ラルゴ・・・ G.F. ヘンデル
白鳥・・・ モンゴル民謡
ラ・クンパルシータ・・・ G.M.ロドリゲス
コーヒールンバ・・・ H.ブランコ


アメージンググレイス・・・ 讃美歌
風の馬・・・ 美炎 (馬頭琴奏者)
ロンドンデリーの歌・・・ アイルランド民謡
アンダー・ザ・シー・・・ A.メンケン
ロミオとジュリエット・・・ N. ロータ
モリコーネ・メドレー・・・ E.モリコーネ


It was such a cold day that I was not
in very good condition.

So I got a little tired after the concert.

Oh, what a wonderful afternoon
I spent!

cherry blossoms in Kunitachi City

2019-04-07 21:19:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning I felt better than usual.

I remembered Mrs.Iwa saying,
“Would you take me to Kunitachi
to see cherry blossoms
along 大学通り?”

I called her and she was delighted
to go there.

We met near at my apartment at 9:30.

We arrived at Kunitachi Station at 10:15.

We walked along 大学通り
to the first pedestrian bridge歩道橋.


There were many people on the bridge
viewing the cherry blossoms.

What a beautiful view
we got from here 歩道橋 !

It has been 6 years
since I went to Kunitachi
to see the cherry blossoms last.

How time flies!

I walked 10448 steps in a day.