karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

letter from Florida, USA

2018-07-26 21:10:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I received a letter from Anne.
Anne and I have been good pen pals
for 63 years.

July 6 is her birthday and I sent her
a pop-up birthday card of アンパンマン.

Anne would be happy to see アンパンマン,
I thought.

She has been suffering from diabetes
for a long time

Besides she has been suffering from pains
due to a disease without a known cause,
since she retired.(原因不明の病気)

I'm very sad to read her words:

“Life with me is not so good.
I have terrible balance.
I have fallen twice
and taken to emergency room.
I am afraid to walk very far.
Still suffering from side aches,
back and neck pains.”

May Anne's aches and pains be gone
as soon as possible!

extreme heat, on July 13

2018-07-13 22:49:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning I walked to Kominkan
to attend Friday English Class.

We did an exercise in Active and
Passive Voice in English grammar.

The sun was burning down.

Three members were absent.
Was it because of violent heat?

I didn't feel good but I thought of
people who are forced to live
at evacuation sites.

I summoned up all my forces
and left my apartment.

More than 200,000 households have gone
without water for a week!

What hard days they are spending!

A week has passed since torrential rain
in western Japan.

According to TV news, tonight, 193 people
are dead, 5 people are suffering from CPA
(cardiopulmonary arrest 心肺停止)
and 48 people are still missing.

7月13日 午後9時現在



7月19日 現在



7月22日 現在




on the Day of Tanabata

2018-07-07 11:31:00 | ノンジャンル
Due to heavy rains,
I hear 10 people are dead and
more than 39 people are missing.

Many houses collapsed
and were buried under landslides.

Many rivers have overflowed
their banks.

I pray for No More Heavy Rains!

I pray for No More disasters!

(written at 10 a.m.)


at 7 p.m.
(46 people are dead and the safety of 48 people
are not established.)


at 8 p.m. on July 8
(74 people are dead and the safety of 62 people
are not established.)



(123人死亡・ 2人心肺停止・ 61人安否不明)



( 158人死亡・57人安否不明)



(175人死亡 ・87人安否不明)
